...and what alice found there

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Revival of the Movie Reviews

i have just come back, from something that was so shockingly bad, it has prompted me to revive my long dead movie reviews. although it's a pretty bad review. but you know, it doesn't deserve any better. take a lookie.

boy has a new haircut! but boy is not happy with the (lack of) length to his new haircut so girl shall refrain from posting pictures until boy is happier.

and on a scale of one to ten in terms of how fucked this girl is for her uni, i'd say she's at purple backwards.

there hasn't been much eye candy on this blog. i'm going to whip my camera out more often now and take pictures of things other than just the boy. maybe a bird, or a bee, or even the....no no, i won't go there.

i'm in a chipper mood tonight. and the JT is starting to sound a lot better, although, it still ain't no justified.

i could've been watching holly valance getting naked, instead i had to see the atrocities that was silent hill. carilious, i blame you punk! gumption or no.


Darren said...

i've said this before: play silent hill on the playstation! srsly what do i need to do to convince you that video games are good for you? that whole grim fandango thing was for your benefit.

eye candy? more photos of you plz. i've got some you could use if you want. lol snap!

Evolutionary_Ghost said...

I second Darren. Japanese survival horror is freaky stuff, and really needs to be explored more on the big screen. Lotsa fun memories from Silent Hill [plus the graphic novels aren't half bad.] Hopefully it will still be better than Resident Evil. I mean, the movie was ok but considering it’s source, it was waaay off mark…

Anyways, two video game movies in the cinemas at once? Truly it is a golden age, especially when Uwe Boll and Paul WS Anderson didn't direct any of them... Sure DOA will be crap, but for a movie based on a game which, albiet good, was mainly marketed towards the fact that the girl's jumblies bounced higher than a superball would, you really don’t need to wonder who is being marketed to here.

Well besides the 15 year olds, I guess I’m being marketed to as well, but that's besides the point. Holly Valance is still a slapper either way!

But anyways, I'm still waiting for my Pacman movie, but until then, both of these are on my 'tacky must-see' list regardless. .