...and what alice found there

Friday, September 08, 2006

pill poppin

and not the good kind either. you know what? illness is funny. so i've started a medical journal. it's good readin' so far. finally got off my ass and saw a GP, a funny kinda fella who asks about "vigorous sex" and lectures you on how "the price of love is always tears, even if it's sixty years later and he dies, or if six weeks later it all falls apart."

i like him. i think i will be going back.
aside from the unpleasantries, which i shall spare you here, other pills were prescribed. i'm feeling all empowered, like i'm finally a modern woman. actually gettin something that kicked off the liberation way back when is very different from gettin some new found easy fix solution. and it also means that some strange man wouldn't have to see my ass every three months, which is always a good start.

my VOX invitation came through, just when i'm getting stuck into the blogger beta. (wordpress, as fancy as it can look, is idiotic. not letting people get at their templates? what is this insanity?!) so i'm all conflicted. although VOX is looking a lot like a mix of blogger, livejournal and myspace. which is a scary concept, undoubtedly fun and rating very high on the soul sucking levels, but maybe not the right addiction for now.

i need some food. pronto.

because i'm am teh lazy, why don't ya'll call me if you're going to be free on the 30th sept (sat night). there are no actual plans but...i'm sure i'll think of them as the day approaches. twenty-one bitchness. am freakin' old.

and since it's friday already...

5 phrases i don't want to hear the next four weeks.

"so...what do you want for your birthday?"
"so...when are you graduating?"
"so...what are you going to do after you graduate?"
"so...how are those essays coming along?"
"I think we should see other people"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

30th Sep..... the day I turn 24..