...and what alice found there

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Can't fucking believe it. I actually made it

shortlist. NIDA. breathe woman breathe

you want to fuck me don't you daddy?

the four is not broken up yet

17 y/o blond haired blue eyed bloody talented ryan
big bear of a rugby player with the othello voice anthony
charming hilarious filipino boy john
and me, daddy's girl.

all there is now is the wait.
nothing to it.

i think i've given it a fair shot. let's just hope they liked me enough and will be able to remember me well enough come december 15


Evolutionary_Ghost said...


And they say that praying to the devil doesn't help at all...

Anonymous said...

baby you're the best. i totally knew you would make it though, how could they not?

i mean, every time i hear the words "you want to fuck me, don't you daddy?" coming from you, i'm sold.

no, but really, i'm so proud of you, and of course really happy for you. but you know that.

lovelove xo