...and what alice found there

Friday, October 27, 2006


i've been playing around with Vox today. you know, that new "mass market" upscaled bastard brainchild of sixapart, you know, the parents of LiveJournal and TypePad and MovableType etc.

it's a mix between LJ, myspace and suchlike social networking sites with some pretty powerful blogging tools. the fact that it's linked to my flickr and photobucket account is all kinds of awesome (i.e. i can add photos from my flickr and photobucket accounts from inside Vox). the side panel lets you list your books and audio (which you can grab from amazon, or upload yourself), and you can create collections with all these lists. the social networking aspect comes from the idea of a blogging "neighbourhood" where people connected to you (as friends or family or just "neighbours") are also linked on your side panel (remember LJ's friends section? cept now it's pretty and you you don't have to go to the profile page)

i won't post a link up yet (although you can probably guess it). It's not totally set up the way i want it, and i don't know anyone on it. But my mind's pretty much set, i'm going to slowly move all my old blogger posts over to Vox and back date up the wahzoo eventually. and then i'll kill this blog properly. until then this would still be where you're hearing all the what's what about me.

to whet your appetite, here's a screencap.

(omg posting pictures using vox'll be so much easier...can't wait)

5 things i could possibly use Vox for

1. a blog for rebel screen?

2. fictional writing

3. a weekly column on what's wrong with the world today

4. bad angsty poetry

5. love letters

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