...and what alice found there

Friday, October 27, 2006

all's well...that...ends...well?

i'm an idiot, i totally just left my wallet in the rehearsal room. now i got it back and i can't use any of my cards because they've been reported as lost.

and emotioal turmoil has all been alleviated also.

funnily enough also because i'm an idiot.

classes finished for the year today. all i did was manage to catch the last 20 minutes of the man who fell to earth, and chatting to dinnersuck daphne (check links panel) while feeling only very remotely connected to the drowned out conversation plaguing the other end of the table where felicity was sitting. felicity being our lecturer, my personal hero, my idol who, if i was ever going to stay in uni, i want to become.

feeling utterly indolent, and it's not even sunny today. i suck. tomorrow. tomorrow.

uni work still to be done, 4 x 1500 words', 4 x 2500 words'. i have about three weeks, i kid you not. amazingly enough only 2 of the 1500 ones are overdue. although they are LONG overdue. pesh.

no jump today, i'll put up this week's list later today, once i think of something good.

update on the awesome awesome ink: still inky, still awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My blog precedes my name, that's incredible.
Mao Mao rudely overlapped the Libertines song I was playing in iTunes, thanks.

- Daphne xo