...and what alice found there

Thursday, February 23, 2006

weekend update

ok this is pathetic. it's friday, and i'm still recouping from karaoke on sunday night. we sang from 11 at night to 8 monday morning. straight. lost my voice several times over, and like rice bubbles, it snapped, crackled, and popped come bed time at 9. i still can't sleep during night time to this day. bought a packet of sleep aid yesterday, don't know how i got through work today.

and the worse part is, i think my body is reacting with the ..."Dozile" it's called. you know the saying 'jumping out of your skin' for when you're startled? well i'm getting that now, quite literally. i can feel my skin tingling the way it's not supposed to whenever there's a loud bang or someone catches me by surprise. and it kept on happening today, probably because i was half asleep the whole time. gah

ps/ i can't get our out-of-tune rendition of wonderwall out of my head... we forgot to do the whole oasis medley, next time eh?

but the new issue of frankie arrived today (i thought they'd forgotten about me), and a new suicide girl video is in my itunes. all is right with my world.

more useless update-y crap after jump


added links to side panel:

*43 folders - merlin mann's theoretically one of the most productive man in america, i'm vying for the position of the australian counterpart. and well on my way too, conceptually. page of all his tips and bits. (1)

*daily candy - worth the read even for the lexicon alone. which edition? why everywhere of course!

*jade n gold - JinG's blog, lost the address before, sorry!! ^_^;


now introducing, THE WEEKLY FIVE!

in case i'm ever stuck for content, every friday from now on, i'm going to make a list of five things. (yes, totally ripped off merlin mann's 5ives.com because, well, i like making lists, the act in itself provides a sense of accomplishment, without requiring further action. and that suits me juuuuust fine.

the first list: five types of customers i hate and therefore is invariably grubby to on hot days (like today)

1. women with moustaches
2. fat and mean people who don't smile when you smile at them
3. people who smell really bad while really taking their time so you can't even hold your breath because otherwise you'd die.
4. people who take out crumpled up hundred dollar bills from the bottom of their track pant pocket and hands them to you with filthy hands. all to buy a 50c stamp.
5. people who feel the need to really lick their fingers when counting out their money so much that there are little puddles on all your notes and they stick together with their stinky saliva...


(1) yes well to explain myself a little, now most ppl know that i'm not the most organised person in the world, and yet i'm a bit of an organisation freak (i attribute this to my been an obsessive compulsive). i clean out my wallet weekly and rearrange my cards in orders of frequency, type and colour coordination. i keep everything written in my organiser, have endless to do lists and at least two 'skines on me wherever i go. but my room is a warzone (the invasion of random paper II), i hardly ever hand things in on time, and my to do lists remain to do lists without having anything crossed off them. and it turns out (after i subscribed to the 43folders podcast) that mann's the same. there is hope yet.

(*) title image is opening screenshot from Natural City (2004), a korean movie that ripped off blade runner in plot and the matrix in style but still damn cool. and pretty too. the mic whore is hoarding my dvd, but ask me to lend you and i will steal it back from him.

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