...and what alice found there

Saturday, February 11, 2006

new additions

ok ok, so i've gotten over my links-o-phobia and finally decided to put up my reviews. yes yes some two years in the making. and i will in due course go back to review some of the old favourites seen over the last two years.

all really stupid really. just random comments. my rants. since i rant mostly about movies it would probably get updated more often than the actual blog. so keep a lookout on the side panel!

i've succumb to convention and decided to put up some other blog links too. don't get offended if yours is not here. i place priority to entertainment value, frequency of update (in the opposite sense), and relavence to anyone other than the blog owner and me. If yours is the usual "oh woe is me this is what happened today" (just like mine is) then that's probably why it's not here.

some explainations are in place:

1. The Superficial - that's how i like my gossip, with a side of sarcasm and a lot of bad taste

2. I Watch Stuff! - brought to you be same same ppl as The Superficial. wonderfully up to date

3. Go Fug Yourself - when the above two doesn't offer me anything new to laugh at

4. The Cool Hunter - a little pretentious, but wicked awesome

5. Moleskinerie - it's a fetish thing

6. perfectfocus - an up and coming photographer. my future DoP.

7. Concept Reality - he doesn't update often, but he writes well

8. monkeypoo - aaah, time has led us down different paths but girl, you're fking awesome, and should really update more

9. Fear Stalks the Land! - Update, you ass!

ok it's 2:20AM and i've just written 5 reviews. i'm put.
No I don't believe in the wasting of time,
But I don't believe that I'm wasting mine


Anonymous said...

In regards to Munich cause apparently I need to have a Blogger account before I can leave a message: Watched it tonite. For the last hour and a half of the movie I really needed to take a piss. 5 times I thought it was about to end. Every time I was wrong, my bladder died a little. 1 star.

♠AQ♥ said...

i fixed the comments settings for the mind dump centre. but yes. munich...it does that to you doesn't it?

lol get online you loser! stop being appear offline