...and what alice found there

Thursday, February 16, 2006

dolly me up

just finished watching season one of entourage (finally finished downloading this morning, yesssssss). wendy should use ep 7 for the contemporary hollywood cinema next time it runs, i think they'll get a kick out of a hooker referencing godard while the actors have no idea what she's talking about.

also teared up a little bit watching house today. my god, it gets worse every week. they should start toning it down, otherwise the dvd boxset would be utterly useless to people. who wants to cry for each different patient hour after hour? but jesse spencer had to kiss a 9 year old girl. gotta giggle a little at that.

(jump jump)

it's very easy to sell me things.

i was so proud today that i managed to walk away without buying anything after a make-over at the bobbi brown counter, until i realised i only got away with it by telling the girl i've already bought everything from her that i didn't need last week, which was how i scored the free make-over in the first place.

and then i walked over to origins and bought primer + moisturiser that i didn't need, then a jacket from pilgrim...and then, get this, 100 disposable mascara wands from a beautician suppliers place because i thought they'd be cheap, no they weren't, $20, and i had to make up some bullshit story about how i have to do the makeup of a whole bunch of friends of a sister who have a formal coming up, because dear god, i realised no one would ever need 100 disposable mascara wands unless they're a makeup artist. and i STILL didn't know to get out. then i realised i had to go across the street to get cash out so i can pay for it because they didn't have eftpos. and i STILL didn't get out because god forbid some random stranger would think little of me for putting him through the trouble of bagging the damned thing.

yah, i suck. i can't make small talk because i have trouble with lying for ease of conversation, and here i'm pulling shit out of my ass to buy shit that i don't need. i really really suck.

so ok, how was everyone's valentines? romantic/cheesy? boring/bitter? or did you just pretend it didn't happen and jumped on the "it's overly commercialised hallmark holiday" bandwagon only until you get a date? or did you have a date and it ended very very well (wink wink petey boy)

mine? i worked the 9-5. got the plesant surprise of the token pom being bored enough to come all the way down to hang with me after work. played a little pool and nine ball and, oh wait, what's that? i beat both carilious and the henster? i beat you both four games in a row? ahahahaha suck on that losers.

aaah...one final post v-day message. i heart you all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of all the moments on House, the only time I got squeamish was when I watched Jesse Spencer kiss that girl.