...and what alice found there

Sunday, August 20, 2006

little dieter

there are times when i question my sanity while doing things. such as this afternoon, when sheer boredom and pestering pushed me, i caved.

i'm on myspace.


under the guise of peeping tom, full name little dieter. because that's who i am, a voyeur who needs to fly. yah. BAM! which really means i don't have to invest any of myself into it. so why do it? god knows, go ask the boy. why, even with all his whinging and complaining he's still checking it more or less daily. if i was having trouble reconciling the difference between the two of him before, i don't think i'm going to like having myspace thrown into the mixture at all.

it's been a strange day, i've been mean to people i love, for various reasons unclear to me. i'll make it up to you, all of you, in ther near (hopefully foreseeable) future. it must be just sunday. you know. sunday.

work tomorrow, i hope no one died over the weekend. no seriously, they've been dropping like flies in the area. it's so depressing i could feel the air weighing down, it could be just the cold, but i like to think it's the constant reminder of mortality. tic tic tic tic

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