...and what alice found there

Sunday, April 01, 2007

bedroom bound

instead of writing the 12 movie reviews that i haven't done yet, i decided to add a song to this blog, and get rid of the clunky flash player (which wasn't working anyway) and instead found this handy little playtagger. go on then, click on the little blue play button, nifty eh? all with just one line of code, so neat.

i've moved back home almost a full week now, i still don't have all my things though. the boy has graciously brought back most of the things i desperately need, and my room feels less burdened by all the crap that...well...i don't need.

gah, i need time to do all these ghastly readings. it's getting on my nerves again.

there are photos on my flickr page if anyone cares to go look. i've added a Narcissism pane to my sidebar since shit about myself was really cluttering up my links.

in a blegh mood today. much like the way my head feels. i'll check back in when i'm done feeling like crap

ps/ 5 things that make me giddy

1. the giant breakfast he cooked for me the other day: 2 sausages, 2 rashers of bacon, 2 eggs scrambled AND pancakes. it was insane

2. that he tucked me in to bed last night before leaving. made me feel all small and loved. both things i value

3. that he brought back heart shaped biscuits for me from work. i love that he steals for me

4. that he got out of work to go watch perfume with me. and that he downloaded the marie antoinette soundtrack for me thus giving me theme music.

5. just how much he loves me

the boy is angry at me today for the amount of cyber flirting that's been carrying on. to be honest i don't actually think any of my messages can constitute as flirting, but in his words "if i deem them to be bullshit then it's bullshit". he's really angry in fact, and has been all day. i don't know how to make it better. i don't know if there's anything i can do.

i think i just have to wait for him to come back to me.

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