...and what alice found there

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

where we're headed

there's been a lack of posts lately. reason being that, though stuff do happen in the intervening time, i feel like there's no purpose. no this is not the "what's the point of all this" phase, i got over that one during philosophy 101. this is a more pointed, what the hell am i doing phase. i'm stuck in my own mental waiting room. expecting. something's going to change very soon and i'm not sure how, and i'm even less sure if i'm going to like it.

which reminds me of my favourite quote, 'waste not want not, i'm not being wasted, why do i still want?'

i watched the people vs larry flynt again just then, and cried myself silly when althea died. again. maybe it's just because i'm tired, or maybe it's just the hour, but this very moment lends itself well to melancholy. through the binoculars i see that man out on his balcony having a smoke before bed. think i'll join him.

on loop: Consequence - The Notwist

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