...and what alice found there

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Running is evil

My butt hurts and I have lower back pain. Looking thin and gorgeous is not worth this much trouble. However being able to run for my life when circumstances call for it may be. I was halfway across the rowing stretch when I realised – I’m terribly unfit. That aside, I’m in pain, and will put off running again for at least another week. The boys by the rowing shed would just have to entertain themselves without my huffin’ and puffin’.

Mum came home today. I had been all excited wondering what goods she would bring. Alas, this was what I had hyped myself up for: three pairs of shoes which would not come out of their bags until I’ve dispatched them to the salvos, countless frilly tops that makes me hungry for cake, and shirts in shades that make my skin look like puke. All of which would never see the light of day. I’m never letting her shop for me again, unless I have the exact product in mind with the exact shade and size product code.

My mind’s been all over the place lately. Can’t concentrate on anything productive. I’ve been reading the same page of my linguistics textbook for the past three weeks. I haven’t handed in a single assignment since semester started. But OH OH progress! I’ve narrowed down the field of my third and last audition piece!

Mum’s currently asleep on my bed, I don’t think she much likes the idea of moving back to chaddy either. I’m going to have to kick her out sometime before dinner, otherwise I’m gonna have to call T and cancel. Which is not a bad idea actually, considering how bad out drinking conversations are I’d hate to think what dinner would be like.

1 comment:

♠AQ♥ said...

oh yay my first spam comment!

but seriously people, remember not to click on links in comments unless you know the user or the comment actually has something to do with the post. unless you have a mac, then you can do whatever the hell you want because pc's suck