...and what alice found there

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Heya G,

Sorry to hear that the past couple of weeks hasn't been good, but isn't that all the more reason to come to the screening? There is nothing so terrible in the world that a little Fear and Loathing can't snap back into perspective. A deranged Johnny Depp is what makes my life complete. Which reminds me, the whole point of emailing you in the first place was to ask what you thought of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Everyone I've talked to has been really split into either hating and absolutely raving about it. (in case you're wondering, I fall into the latter category)

Then again, emails are useless when it comes to discussing movies, so I won't go on about it.

Christian was saying how for the final assessment, he's hoping to not receive any essays and just get creative stuff. And then he was saying how it would be better to actually have a screening for the short film or performance at a gathering some night, which is not what I had in mind at all, but he didn't elaborate, and I didn't go to the tute so I couldn't ask.

I had wanted to do the manifesto and short film too, because I was annoyed that the surrealists wanted to explore the wonder of everyday life and yet everything they came out with was dark and depressing and or horrible so I wanted to compile a montage of simple pleasures which is surreal only in the way they're stringed together. Then I suddenly realized, that's the basis for any decent advertising campaign these days. So that idea went to shit, which I'm actually grateful for since it would actually require a lot of work. And costly too, since all the shots I imagined in my head involved a lot of tying the camera to things to spin from and other such ways to break the damn thing.

But hey, awkward/anxious moment in an elevator is actually doable! Better than that, elevators always have that twilight zoney feel about them. Am intrigued, how are you actually going to "explore" that moment?

I'm coming up to campus on Monday to talk about the tute presentation with my group. A perfectly normal straight guy who owns his own makeup, and a masochist complete with cigarette burns on his calf. I had been hoping to see you at the screenings so I could come and talk to you rather than hearing what they have planned for our performance. Alas, you failed me, I'm down as a sadist. Should be interesting, they're trying to convince Christian into letting us just do a write up of the performance for the essay. But until then, I've got Monday to live through. So if you find some desolate little Asian girl wondering around looking a tad shaken, you'll know why.

Oh lordy, this turned out to be quite a novel. I'm in the Friday morning 11am tute, just so I can go to work after. What can I say? Girl gotta eat.

Ok, I've kept myself from my assignments long enough, and am fairly confident that I've kept you from yours too so, I'm outie.

Best, Alice
(can't believe you actually go by G, then again I'm just jealous I can solidify my presence down to an initial. It'll be like, "love from a", a what? peh)

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