...and what alice found there

Sunday, September 18, 2005

correspondence 2


How wackily postmodern is "a", though? A what? Who cares? why do we need to attach our own syntactical expectations onto symbols.

Okay, so I'm done being pretentious. Yeah, I don't know how I want to solidfy the idea for this elevator scene, as it would actually require some technical construction. But I just really wanted to explore it sort of through what causes the awkwardness, and I don't really know yet, but I'd like it to be a sort of comic "academic surrealism" that is more interested in pure experiences and finding the causes behind them. Not sure if it will work, however.

Monday sounds pretty terrifying to you. I wish I had a group to do presentations with! I'm just doing a boring one by myself in week 12. That whole not attending classes thing makes it difficult...

So the whole post-work 1am ness is starting to dwell in. Oh! Charlie! Haven't seen it. I know, I know, I know. Don't have time yet, but I'm hoping to see it soon. Worth it? I hope so, though the old is a favourite of mine.

(Additional note: I am a perfectly normal straight guy who owns his own makeup...but it is for stage...)

Bah. Sleep time.

Peace, love, and understandings! (Do you ever notice how it was such a year 10-12 thing to have fun little comments just before you sign your name out, as if to say "I'm cool because of my proximity to this somewhat profound statement...")


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