...and what alice found there

Monday, April 03, 2006

taking back sunday

last thursday. it was the day the music died. quite literally. i actually saw the sad ipod face. yep, hardware crash. took my baby straight into the apple store within 10 minutes hoping for some miracle and no, no such luck. and three months after my warranty wore out too, bummer. it would cost about the same to fix it as to buy a new pod. and i bet you any money that the moment i get my hands on enough cash to get the damn thing a newer and infinitely better model will be released. i'm a bitter bitter woman without my backing soundtrack.

today was when i felt the first hit. i was seriously unwilling to leave the house because i felt so naked without my backing track. i was so confused facing the world, not sure how to react to things because generally my music dictated my emotions and i was always so safe in my bubble. it was terrifying actually. i smoked a lot more than i usually would have done coz, well, at least i could control the smell of the air surrounding me right? eww...i just realised how that sounded.

but apparently i'm more approachable to a far more normal set of people without the white ear buds. cute honky girl came up to talk to me today, then again so did no taste anne (no her name isn't anne, i don't know what her name is, i just vaguely remember her talking about linkin park...or was that the other girl next to her? may or april or another name of the month, or was it a flower?) now i'm babbling. i have a tute paper tomorrow which i haven't yet done the readings for and i'm babbling on my blog. not a good habit to get into.

so so, my list for the last week (it's getting worse and worse...easter break soon, it'll all get back on track i promise)

5 songs i now have going around my head as some crazy mashup because of lack of pumpin' walking music

1. yummy yummy yummy i have love in my tummy - (yes again, and i just realised why i got it last time, it was in super size me, and i just saw it again...)
2. kokomo - (THAT kokomo, my subconscious has bad taste too, i had to watch the music video twice over the week end)
3. Easy - because that's what i hear walking up my hill. but i don't know the words, and it's hard to sing, and so i only have the falsetto bits going on loop and it's bugging the shit out of me
4. i hear voices - or something like that. you know, the puff daddy one back when he was still puff daddy, it's horribly disturbing when you hear voices inside your head singing "i hear voices inside"
5. and that song from that addidas ad. you know the one, the karen o one...

...whenever i wake up
try and take the shape off
turn into the whole wide world i made up

it's crazy being me lately


Anonymous said...

Hi babe, seeing no one else's has posted any replies Ill be the first to fill this emptyness.

My boss' airport express broke too, 1 week after the 1 year warranty expired. What I have come to terms with is that apple makes pretty gadgets but not very durable ones. At least not durable beyond it's warranty period. I guess you could say it's their way of making profits? only at the expense of ripping us all off.

Come the day my nano breaks (in 8 month), hopefully I would have stopped using it long b4 then.

♠AQ♥ said...

aaah...i stole mum's nano. the 2 gig limit is driving me mad though, i feel like i need to have if not my entire library then at least an ample selection from every genre available to me. gah. at least it filled the void of walking up my hill

wibowo said...

ah yeah, had the same problem with my iPod Gen4. Died some time ago... 1 year or so after the warranty expired! Was told the same thing by Apple's service centre ($400 to fix the hard drive), so bought myself a new Pod video 4GB which hopefully will hold out longer >.<