...and what alice found there

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

random coolness

does this look dirty to you?

click on through, you know you want to...

ok, to me, the two spokes with the stumpy ends look clearly like a pair of legs, and therefore through my infinitely great powers of deduction, that thing inbetween the legs is clearly doing something very rude, or at least not something to be displayed on your front lawn. maybe i've just been programmed to see things that aren't there, damn all that porn on my hard drive. that sculpture(?) was erected on some front lawn in my street a month ago and i've been staring at it since and just had to present to you, my sucky readers to teach them a lesson in spreading the love.

bleh, i'm tired.

but good news my minions. today saw a personal breakthrough for me. for the past month now i've been plateaued at the 49.something kg mark. some inprecise decimal point under 50 but never by far. this morning, i was officially 48.something. to celebrate i got a big bopper from soda rock for dinner and YES! i've levelled in at exactly 49 after food. i am officially no longer lying in my screenfaces.com profile.

oh and i received karen chan's 21st invite, in the fancy envelope with the fancy printing telling me it's a fancy updo on a cuise liner. (depart at 6.45 sharp and return at 11!) i want to be rich too.

to finish things off i'll just post up a whole heap of pictures methinks. i'll leave off the profound thoughts for weekends and public holidays.

a startled dean

a bored and annoyed adelaide kid (i tend to bring that out in people)

the token londoner

dean again, with ari (erm...i'll check her name tomorrow)

and i know you've all been waiting for this, i present, the asshole aka damien/jeff


Anonymous said...

I have two words for you after looking at the picture of the sculpture: Amputee sex.

♠AQ♥ said...

mmm that's hot

anyway follow up:
the asshole is weird. really weird. horny toad kinda weird.