As promised, summery days and nights arrived ahead of its cue, and like an embarrassed child, retracted apologetically. We did manage to slip in a few fun filled days in the park during its brief appearance, as most of you on facebook (read: everyone) already know. That was one way to while away the listless daylight hours now. I suppose I could (should) start the job hunt on the illegal overseas student employment market. If there are any readers out there who are owners of manhattan based establishments willing to take on a neurotic (in an entirely professional way) Asian (= hard working) girl who is constantly on the quest for approval (= fantastic customer service), please, save me the trouble and drop a line.
Apart from that, I think I'll just continue on my mission of watching every episode of shows on netflix I'd always wanted to watch but never had the time to.
That would only be until mother arrives, of course.
I need to make it clear though, here, for everyone to see. I, Alice Bing Qing Tao Qin, hereby swear that my work ethic is going to shape right up, as of, Remember my fuck it manifesto? Well it's now going to include this amendment.
On top of not being afraid of creating and treating it like first time sex (just get it done so you can get on to the much better second and third time sex, according to merlin mann) I will actually go further, do more than the bare requirement. Ask more of myself than what is asked by the other people around me. Not just getting the job done but banging it out of the park. I'm mixing metaphors here but you get the idea. Because let's face it, being "good enough" is too easy, and unsatisfying (shit, the sex puns just want to write themselves). There, it's in print now, and you can all hold me to it.
CALL ME OUT ON MY BULLSHIT, people. If I'm clearly not trying hard enough, slap me, hard.
The fat trimming would begin, coincidentally, with fat trimming. Before you guys start on me, yeah, I know I'm not fat. I'm clearly not thin either, and the truth is I probably never will be simply because of my body shape. But for someone who has always sat on the "underweight" side of the BMI scale, to be smack bang in the middle now makes me sad. Regular regimen, cutting out most of the junk (save for my How I Met Your Mother dates, because girl talk and sitcoms are not the same without chocolate), and throwing out my takeout menus. Earning points on is just not worth it. That's enough airing of laundry for the night.
I have had a fine start to my summer break, people. Enjoyed the company of great people, learned a lesson in managing expectations... there is one thing nagging the back of my head though.
I lost a friend recently. No, no one died, but through an offhand comment, I had manged to offend someone irrevocably. Obviously, a button got pushed that I shouldn't have played around with in the first place. I have went over my words repeatedly and have decided point blank, that I would not apologise for them, because the entire friendship was based on two people who can be brutally honest with each other, and an apology would simply be a lie. Knowing him to be who he is, I am sure he would not see my side of things either. Stale mate, a friend is lost. I haven't thought about this for days now, namely because I've had a blissful few days, and I'm a brilliant compartmentaliser. But today, waking up in an empty bed, feeling a little disoriented and then realising that the person I normally try to make sense of it all to, to jot down these related elements in my life in a cohesive way, I can no longer relate to. For that, on a day that I was already kinda bummed, the arrow ticked over into the blue zone.
Let's focus on the bliss for a moment here. I won't go too much into it, but good food, good friends, and other kinds of good times. The lesson here is to just go with it, that if it feels right, then don't let inconsequential things hinder you any. And High Fidelity is still an awesome film no matter how many times I've seen it.
The Girlfriend Experience is on showtime right now. You know, for someone who performs like a champ in front of a camera for adult activities, Sasha Grey is really an incredibly dull person. Speaking of which, could we pause for a moment to revel in the recently resurrected hotness of scarjo? She has reclaimed her heights at the Match Point levels of hot, meaning, had I not been in the company of people, I may have had a much bigger reaction to that last black widow fight sequence.
Alright, this post is now officially living up to its title, time to call it a night. It is now a Friday though, so you know what that means...
Five scenes from my life in 2010 so far.
* The night before leaving Melbourne, Dean, Maya and Yoyo in my drive way, making things impossible.
* After Jimmy's critiques of the Poetry Projects, the running outside followed by the 45 minutes of uncontrollable sobbing that occurred.
* Studio 2F, Voice and Speech class, the most awkward thing to have happened this year, you know what I'm talking about.
* Corner of 32nd and 5th Ave, outside Chicken Revolution, two girls screaming at each other about life changing things.
* Walking out of Hotel Chelsea with a certain red head
More Narcissism Than You Asked For
1. What time did you get up this morning?
Chris texted me before noon, I woke up, typed a reply, fell back asleep before hitting send... I'm going to go with noon.
2. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds, duh.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Iron Man 2. It was good times
4. What's your favorite TV show?
Studio 60, Mad Men, and then a lot of trash I'd rather not admit to but you all know anyway
5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Nothing, refer to question 1.
6. What's your favorite cuisine?
The carb/starch portion of most cuisines. Breads, Rice, Potatos, Pasta, Noodles. I could KILL a garlic naan right now.
7. What foods do you dislike?
8. What is your favorite chip flavor?
Red Deli chips Lime and Black Pepper (someone please send me some)
9. What's your favorite CD at the moment?
Today was a Portishead - Dummy kind of day.
10. What kind of car do you drive?
used to. Pug, I miss it, it's a sad story.
11. Favorite sandwich?
the closed smxl at Melbourne Central 5/6 years ago. Moroccan Lamb, served by Tony. (If you know who I'm talking about, please contact me)
12. What characteristics do you despise?
Arrogance, Ignorance,
13. What is your favorite type of clothing?
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation.Where?
15. What color is your bathroom?
Painfully white.
16. Favorite brand of clothing?
My own that I'm totally going to create that only makes one size in each style
17. Where would you retire to?
Melbourne. Really truly.
18. Favorite time of the day?
19. What was your most memorable birthday?
My 21st. It was super low key, with very select people, and I actually remember it being happy.
20. Where were you born?
21. Favorite sport to watch?
Errrr.... Anything during the Olympics. Tennis during Aussie Open, Soccer during World Cup, but if there's some sitcom marathon on at the same time I'd totally pick the sitcom
22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
no one
23. Person you expect to send it back first?
I will be sending this to no one
24. What fabric detergent do you use?
Bounce dryer sheets
25. Were you named after anyone?
I was named after a Chinese proverb. Alice I just picked out of a dictionary.
26. Do you wish on stars?
no, I prefer to ask questions to the solitaire gods
27. When did you last cry?
When Bernard's voice quivered during my evals, I lost it.
28. Do you like your handwriting?
When I'm trying, it's ok, but not really.
29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
I like to think so.
30. Are you a daredevil?
haaaaaa. In that I do stupid shit, yes.
31. Do looks matter?
Yes. Absolutely. But how a person look to you changes as you learn more about them.
32. How do you release anger?
In imagined outbursts while I'm lying in my bed. Or in very passive aggressive ways.
34. What were your favorite toys as a child?
Books. I was a boring kid. Actually I just liked playing with other kids. Jump rope, stunt jump rope, hide and seek, stunt hide and seek, trying to kick shuttlecock.
35. What class in High School was totally useless?
Chinese, because we had a bullshit teacher who even my mother agrees I could have taught.
37 Favorite movies?
Check my facebook profile
38. What are your nicknames?
I did a Friday Five on this once...
39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Not often
40. Do you think that you are strong?
41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Pistachio - because I'm an old lady.
42. What are your favorite colors?
Right now it appears to be green. Bright colours that make me happy
43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
I don't like it when I talk. I communicate better in noises.
44. Who do you miss the most?
ergh, where do I begin. My grandfather, Dean, Maya, Yoyo, Daphne, Cary, Ryan, my boys Miles and Charlie.
45. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back to you?
46 What color pants are you wearing?
I'm wearing a dress right now
47. Last thing you ate?
48. Favorite song?
This is joke response because the question has to be a joke. Mao! Mao! by Claude Channes
49. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be?
Yellow. Right? RIGHT???
50. Last person you talked to on the phone?
Hannah, arranging our Crack Pie date tomorrow
51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Eyes, then if I'm interested, shoulders then lips.
52. Favorite drink?
53. Do you wear contacts?
54. Favorite day of the year?
First day of Spring, New Years Day.
55. Endings happy or sad?
56. Winter/summer?
errrrrrr.... Winter, because I look cuter.
57. Hugs OR Kisses?
58. What is Your Favorite Dessert?
Something light. Fruit over dessert most of the time
59. What Book(s) are you reading?
ergh. I'm a pathetic book reader right now
60. What is on your mouse pad?
you mean what's on my trackpad? well worn finger marks
61. What Did You Watch Last night on TV?
Arrested Development
62. Favorite Smells?
Clean laundry coming out of the dryer, Pillows a cute boy slept on after he's left, Clean hair, Armani Sensi
63. Stones or Beatles?
Beatles. I do love me a bit of Stones too though
64. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Right here.
...and what alice found there
Friday, May 14, 2010
Slop Bucket
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