...and what alice found there

Saturday, April 29, 2006

oh lately it's so quiet

I've downloaded Journler. For any mac users out there, this is THE cool. so ok it's just a dated word processor, but amp'd up like a crazy mother fker. fully integrated with smart folders, tagging, all your iLife files, and it exports to blogger. which is how i'm doin' it now. and since mac is so good with bring its spell checker into any box you type in, my blog entrys are gon be spell check'd an all tha.

geeky goodness aside. yes i went into hibernation a bit, being forced write endlessly right before easter break i decided to boycott typing at my computer for as long as i can take it. so now, three weeks later, (and i know that because i'm three weeks behind on my lists) i think i've caught up. a bit.

there is a jump by the way

current music: Oh Lately It's So Quiet - Ok Go

i'm currently back-loging five movie reviews waiting to be typed up and posted, so that is coming (i think it's gonna be Syriana, Matchpoint, The Weather Man, Tsotsi, and Kokoda, so you get a good mix of your token foreign oscar fodder and the token australian film along with your hollywood whatnots. oh i'm such a hypocrite, i love hollywood whatnots and i know it. besides, tsotsi wasn't so flash. but more on that coming up). oh and i watched The Promise, that chen kaige bomber. i mean i heard how bad it was, but i felt it was my duty to experience it first hand before passing judgement. it was... ... aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhooowwwwwwwww

to make things easier, lets break it down.

Plot: Ludicrous, from the get go. The actual promise that the entire movie rests on? I don't know how he did it but somehow he managed to make a totally unoriginal and juvenile plot device unconvincing. and it just keeps unravelling into the gloopy globby mess that it was.

Effects: why is Chinese CGI always so crap? we're smart, we're nerdy, why the hell can't we work the graphics? Two years ago we saw how Warriors of Heaven and Earth has that horrible ring of green light that looks like it's drawn onto the goddamn celluloid by some kid, and two years later with a MUCH bigger budget, nothing. NO IMPROVEMENTS WHATSOEVER

Acting: i understand the appeal of having an international cast. but you really can't have the cast of leads all speaking chinese when they're Korean, Japanese and honky. Beside the fact that it sounds shit and immediately breaks any illusion, you can see the actors thinking about the words.

i honestly dont want to waste anymore webspace on this, it's painful. i mean it was really pretty, and we all know how much i like pretty, but i...i..... So the two worst films i've ever seen in my life, both chinese films and both really big budgets as far as chinese films are concerned. Heh, and people are worried about the Australian film industry.

lets step away from the car crash.

another year, another comedy festival completely missed. actually i still have a few more days left, but god, what's left now?

let's just wrap this up with all 3 missing 5ives

5 thing i tried, and now i'm over it

1. sudoku - what the hell kind of a crazy mindless fad is that? do a crossword you white collar shits
2. big brother - i've successfully sidestepped all 5 previous incarnations, so i decided i've earned myself an episode. couldn't finish it, even watching the E! News crew trying to figure out what Suri really means and whether Katie was really silent was a heck of a lot more interesting
3. maintaining a manicure - to hell with nails, being able to do stuff with my hands is way cool
4. finding the prefect winter boot (that i can afford) - just because i've failed
5. second life - sure being able to strip in the middle of a crowd is fun, but being able to function normally away from the computer is still better

5 ways to get happy

1. an hour long shower (or until the hot water runs out). seriously, a bath takes too long to prepare and sometimes you just need steaming hot water to pound your skin
2. sitcoms with milk and cookies. Having being deprived of this in my childhood (cookies not being available in chine and my aversion to milk) i'm making up for lost time
3. a midnight stroll with decent walking music and enough cigarets to chain it the whole way. it's the only time i smoke, so i make the most of it.
4. re-reading all the Jasper Fforde's the Thursday Next series and the Big Over Easy, can't wait for the Three Bears to come out in June, oh and he's coming down for a book tour too!
5. shopping, still the number one solution. buy stuff that i don't need just because I CAN.

note: the above list is exactly what's been keeping me away from updating this blog, that and podcasts. *sigh*

5 memories i cherish

1. The first time i had pomegranates, it was summer, i was five, and i fell in love with the squiggy seeds.
2. when i went to hong kong properly (not tagging along to mum's business luncheons) someone's pretty secretary took me around, and i spilled all my secrets to her.
3. 1996, Michael Jackson HIStory tour. daniel was living with us then, and i kept on stealing his CDs
4. the second time i watched a beautiful mind. the movie was the same, but the people were different, and that made all the difference.
5. That time i had that date with Ryan and i decided to bring Jazz, Cary and Francis along. We laughed, then went and saw Lost in Translation. It was a beautiful day.


Anonymous said...

Alice! Give me a prank. I have a new mobile and lost your number!

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.