it's late, and i'm bored. and so now for another utterly narcissistic exercise.
my own Johari personality window! so what you do is go to that link, and then click on five or six words you would use to describe me. all very anonymous and should be enlightening. when done correctly (and by enough ppl) you can see what are your blind spots and what is part of your façade and what are the qualities that are not a part of you altogether. good clean fun!
the wikipedia entry for Johari Window
...and what alice found there
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Posted by
4:01 am
Labels: memes
widget postings
google has released a blogger widget for OS X...which means, much much easier plain text posts from my dashboard! so expect a lot more badly spelt with no visual relief posts!! this makes me strangely giddy.
however, my dashboard is a very cluttered country inhabited by family guy quotes, oscar wilde quotes and garfield comics, and also lyrics of the song currently playing in itunes, a game of solitaire and a magic 8 ball open at all times. the implications of which is yet unseen... though it does mean i can quote from my current play list a lot easier....
...the light gave me some kind of fright. How did wrong get so right and lead me stumbling through the dark of night?...
Come On Come On! Do what you want!
Posted by
1:45 am
Saturday, February 25, 2006
groggy but happy
look carefully now, yes yes that's Mr. Pitt, in a very "relaxed movie star" get up. and now look in closer, yes click on it to see it proper size. what's that you see? why YES it's a moleskine!!
my life is complete.
in other news, i'm becoming my father. see as girls grow up there would eventually come the day when, alas, they realise they're their mothers. but no, not i. I, ladies and gentlemen, have become the loser critic who knows enough shit to be at shits with the whole world but can't write an essay to save her/his life. but oh don't worry about me because i write a killer letter, so i can always trick some poor unsuspecting sod into marrying me. at least that's what mother tells me.
she's also taken to bursting into my room at 3 a.m. to yell at me for wasting my life away and then forgetting about the whole thing the next morning when she's driving me to work only to take it up again the following night. i need to move. someone? anyone?
there's is also something else seriously wrong with me. after sleeping for a very decent (slipping into indecent) many hours, i still feel like shit. should really set up a meeting with my gp, but uni's starting in two days. argh. and i have my phone bill to pay. double argh.
Posted by
11:47 pm
Thursday, February 23, 2006
weekend update
ok this is pathetic. it's friday, and i'm still recouping from karaoke on sunday night. we sang from 11 at night to 8 monday morning. straight. lost my voice several times over, and like rice bubbles, it snapped, crackled, and popped come bed time at 9. i still can't sleep during night time to this day. bought a packet of sleep aid yesterday, don't know how i got through work today.
and the worse part is, i think my body is reacting with the ..."Dozile" it's called. you know the saying 'jumping out of your skin' for when you're startled? well i'm getting that now, quite literally. i can feel my skin tingling the way it's not supposed to whenever there's a loud bang or someone catches me by surprise. and it kept on happening today, probably because i was half asleep the whole time. gah
ps/ i can't get our out-of-tune rendition of wonderwall out of my head... we forgot to do the whole oasis medley, next time eh?
but the new issue of frankie arrived today (i thought they'd forgotten about me), and a new suicide girl video is in my itunes. all is right with my world.
more useless update-y crap after jump
added links to side panel:
*43 folders - merlin mann's theoretically one of the most productive man in america, i'm vying for the position of the australian counterpart. and well on my way too, conceptually. page of all his tips and bits. (1)
*daily candy - worth the read even for the lexicon alone. which edition? why everywhere of course!
*jade n gold - JinG's blog, lost the address before, sorry!! ^_^;
now introducing, THE WEEKLY FIVE!
in case i'm ever stuck for content, every friday from now on, i'm going to make a list of five things. (yes, totally ripped off merlin mann's because, well, i like making lists, the act in itself provides a sense of accomplishment, without requiring further action. and that suits me juuuuust fine.
the first list: five types of customers i hate and therefore is invariably grubby to on hot days (like today)
1. women with moustaches
2. fat and mean people who don't smile when you smile at them
3. people who smell really bad while really taking their time so you can't even hold your breath because otherwise you'd die.
4. people who take out crumpled up hundred dollar bills from the bottom of their track pant pocket and hands them to you with filthy hands. all to buy a 50c stamp.
5. people who feel the need to really lick their fingers when counting out their money so much that there are little puddles on all your notes and they stick together with their stinky saliva...
(1) yes well to explain myself a little, now most ppl know that i'm not the most organised person in the world, and yet i'm a bit of an organisation freak (i attribute this to my been an obsessive compulsive). i clean out my wallet weekly and rearrange my cards in orders of frequency, type and colour coordination. i keep everything written in my organiser, have endless to do lists and at least two 'skines on me wherever i go. but my room is a warzone (the invasion of random paper II), i hardly ever hand things in on time, and my to do lists remain to do lists without having anything crossed off them. and it turns out (after i subscribed to the 43folders podcast) that mann's the same. there is hope yet.
(*) title image is opening screenshot from Natural City (2004), a korean movie that ripped off blade runner in plot and the matrix in style but still damn cool. and pretty too. the mic whore is hoarding my dvd, but ask me to lend you and i will steal it back from him.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
La Bamba!
why didn't i catch up with zoe earlier? kicking myself for being so lazy, kicking myself for almost being too lazy to go tonight and kicking myself for forgeting to bring my camera. met one of her housemates, clara, the hot spanish girl who makes ass kicking tapas. and after a big round about trip we wounded up at the someone's apartment salsa dancing. and i've gotta tell you, having a mexican guy lead is the only way to learn. mmm...craving a cheese burger...
nite ppl
Posted by
4:29 am
Labels: update
Thursday, February 16, 2006
dolly me up
just finished watching season one of entourage (finally finished downloading this morning, yesssssss). wendy should use ep 7 for the contemporary hollywood cinema next time it runs, i think they'll get a kick out of a hooker referencing godard while the actors have no idea what she's talking about.
also teared up a little bit watching house today. my god, it gets worse every week. they should start toning it down, otherwise the dvd boxset would be utterly useless to people. who wants to cry for each different patient hour after hour? but jesse spencer had to kiss a 9 year old girl. gotta giggle a little at that.
(jump jump)
it's very easy to sell me things.
i was so proud today that i managed to walk away without buying anything after a make-over at the bobbi brown counter, until i realised i only got away with it by telling the girl i've already bought everything from her that i didn't need last week, which was how i scored the free make-over in the first place.
and then i walked over to origins and bought primer + moisturiser that i didn't need, then a jacket from pilgrim...and then, get this, 100 disposable mascara wands from a beautician suppliers place because i thought they'd be cheap, no they weren't, $20, and i had to make up some bullshit story about how i have to do the makeup of a whole bunch of friends of a sister who have a formal coming up, because dear god, i realised no one would ever need 100 disposable mascara wands unless they're a makeup artist. and i STILL didn't know to get out. then i realised i had to go across the street to get cash out so i can pay for it because they didn't have eftpos. and i STILL didn't get out because god forbid some random stranger would think little of me for putting him through the trouble of bagging the damned thing.
yah, i suck. i can't make small talk because i have trouble with lying for ease of conversation, and here i'm pulling shit out of my ass to buy shit that i don't need. i really really suck.
so ok, how was everyone's valentines? romantic/cheesy? boring/bitter? or did you just pretend it didn't happen and jumped on the "it's overly commercialised hallmark holiday" bandwagon only until you get a date? or did you have a date and it ended very very well (wink wink petey boy)
mine? i worked the 9-5. got the plesant surprise of the token pom being bored enough to come all the way down to hang with me after work. played a little pool and nine ball and, oh wait, what's that? i beat both carilious and the henster? i beat you both four games in a row? ahahahaha suck on that losers. final post v-day message. i heart you all
Posted by
2:13 am
Monday, February 13, 2006
what will you be doing tomorrow?
perfectly icky picture for a perfectly icky day. and i see the curse has yet to be broken. next year i tell myself. next year.
and my anthem to see me through?
Waltz (Better than Fine) - Fiona Apple
If you don't have a song
To sing you're okay
You know how to get along
If you don't have a date
Go out and sit on the lawn
And do nothing
'Cause it's just what you must do
Nobody does it anymore
No I don't believe in the wasting of time,
But I don't believe that I'm wasting mine
If you don't have a point to make
Don't sweat it
You'll make a sharp one being so kind
And I'd sure appreciate it
Everyone else's goal's to get big headed
Why should I follow that beat being that I'm
Better than fine
Posted by
3:56 am
Labels: music
Saturday, February 11, 2006
new additions
ok ok, so i've gotten over my links-o-phobia and finally decided to put up my reviews. yes yes some two years in the making. and i will in due course go back to review some of the old favourites seen over the last two years.
all really stupid really. just random comments. my rants. since i rant mostly about movies it would probably get updated more often than the actual blog. so keep a lookout on the side panel!
i've succumb to convention and decided to put up some other blog links too. don't get offended if yours is not here. i place priority to entertainment value, frequency of update (in the opposite sense), and relavence to anyone other than the blog owner and me. If yours is the usual "oh woe is me this is what happened today" (just like mine is) then that's probably why it's not here.
some explainations are in place:
1. The Superficial - that's how i like my gossip, with a side of sarcasm and a lot of bad taste
2. I Watch Stuff! - brought to you be same same ppl as The Superficial. wonderfully up to date
3. Go Fug Yourself - when the above two doesn't offer me anything new to laugh at
4. The Cool Hunter - a little pretentious, but wicked awesome
5. Moleskinerie - it's a fetish thing
6. perfectfocus - an up and coming photographer. my future DoP.
7. Concept Reality - he doesn't update often, but he writes well
8. monkeypoo - aaah, time has led us down different paths but girl, you're fking awesome, and should really update more
9. Fear Stalks the Land! - Update, you ass!
ok it's 2:20AM and i've just written 5 reviews. i'm put.
No I don't believe in the wasting of time,
But I don't believe that I'm wasting mine
Posted by
1:31 am
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
private dancer
an entire weekend and two lap dances later, my spirits have leveled.
strip clubs are fun. sleezy guys that want to take you there are not. what's worse is drunk sleezy guys that take off without telling you. aaah shoulda seen it coming. assholes are assholes. and my on-coming radar is somehow switched waaaaaay off. can never see them coming. i used to be able to detect at least a hint of what's going on but apparently no longer. all the fun of singledom right?
with the certain decisions taken place and a rough semblance of a path laid down i'm very quickly running out of excuses. so now i'm down to either "if my body is tired then i still need sleep" or "watching tv is still going towards my course". i'm beyond lame. so out comes all my 'skines, pen in hand, and by weeks-end i'd have mapped out my future. you just wait. there are more decisions still waiting for the coin toss to settle.
photos are done. i'm collecting them wednesday. i don't know, they didn't look.....well let's just hope they were generous with the touch-ups, air-brushing and what have you. all the hot ones i'll put up here, all the rest you'll have to pry out of my cold clamy hands at my death bed. i'ma puttin' this here because i still can't understand it. out of all the pictures (and admittedly there were some real duds), my mama liked this one. i mean i look decent in a few and THIS is the one she likes... low res scan because hell, i'll get the hi res copies on dvd later now that i've seen the prints and i can save some money. amazing. i look exactly the same as i did 4 years ago when i got the other sets done. and my head is still too round on camera. i was going to put up some truly embarrassing confessions, but self censorship got the better of me. but yes. cyber stalking is involved. isn't that a tantalising thought...
need some pictures to accompany this post...will put them up tomorrow then. maybe of the bbq yesterday. little victoria and sasa are growing up. too too fast.
:edit: i've been told that the layout is all screwy in i.e. hoo to all you ie users then huh. i refuse put in extra effort because you're too lazy to better your own online experiences. get firefox you idiots
Posted by
12:19 am