this is a happier linky tech-savy post.
this is a fake, but it's such a pretty fake. if the impending iPhone would look anything like this then i'm going to get my grubby hands on it no matter what it cost.
and DodCopenhagen has put together a list of the top 50 music videos for the year, there's a lot of good stuff here, except for the god forsaken gnarls barkley's effing Crazy, which despite what i put on my Myspace, would always remind me of 2006, best accompanied with some fat kid dancing to it
but then there's some gems. i didn't know death cab's I'll Follow You Into The Dark had a video, that song certainly got overplayed on my iTunes a bit. same goes for the cat power video. Oh and the El Perro Del Mar song, i've only just realised the entire song has a total of two lines. I like her voice better than i like the actual music i think.
an of course there just some awesome awesome videos that'll be good to inspire any budding filmmaker, perhaps someone hoping to make some shorts very soon, perhaps for tropfest maybe, dean ashton i'm looking at you. so go to the link and click them all!
now i'll finish off with
it's like a more interesting stan brakhage. i always said the only thing mothlight lacked was some lounge music.
...and what alice found there
Friday, December 29, 2006
eye candy
Posted by
2:45 pm
After finishing an utterly unsatisfying 2006 round-up survey on myspace, i thought i'll come spread some love on my blog. What with it being Friday and all. and i've missed last week's list too. so you'll get a double whammy this time round.
what did 2006 do for me? i still haven't come to terms with it been 2006 and now we're slowly creeping into 07. i still can't stand the fact that i've lived 21 years in this world. false hopes. i had a lot of false hopes, right from the start of the year and dragging it's own pathetic self all the way to the end. i also walked into uni with the belief that this year was going to be different. well everything was different, i finally saw through the academic game and decided too late that i hated it. well no actually, i didn't care enough about it to make a decision either way. i just kept going to half the classes and not doing any of the work. i stopped considering what i was learning and started judging the credibility of everything thrown at me.
i pulled myself out of the little corner i scared myself into, only to be crawling along the back wall and clasping tightly on the friendly faces. all the while being absent. i'm still as awkward as i ever was, now with the added self-doubt on top of the self-consciousness and self-analysis. i'm slowly losing control over my temper, without fixing the problem of becoming dreadfully inarticulate when incensed. the nightly round of waterworks is back with a vengeance, it's comforting when i have a pair of arms clamped around me but more often than not it's not here. in a lot of ways i'm much the same as last year, mostly the same opinions, judgements, self-loathing. but then again i can't just write this year off.
There's the boy, who is so unaffectedly beautiful that it kills me to be without him for even a second. but then i get all caught up in my own personal tragedy and i push him away, just so i can indulge in my misery. it's pretty pathetic. and if he acts in a way short of what i hoped he would i start pushing him away again just so i can indulge in my indignity. which is even more pathetic. i still need to get my head around the fact that while i see him as my lifeline, he's not in such a crisis and needs other distractions than my suffocating cries.
and there's all the other people, you've met them in my links panel. they've helped me maintain a facade of sanity. and i've only just realised, holy crap these are friends that i actually choose! and since i seem to make a habit of pushing away everyone who i'm not absoclutely in love with i'm left with quite a selective bunch. i'm opening applications for friends for 07 right now, sign up people, good(/bad) films and philosophical(/inane) conversations await you!
there are certainly some bright spots in my temple of gloom, the import thing is to concentrate on those and forget the others right? well i'm sorry if it's not coming along as easily as i'd hoped but i'm trying. for the moment though, the less i think the better.
so. now i owe you two lists
5 goals
- to continually write something so that i'll have something substantial to show at the end of the year
- to keep hacking and hopefully make some leeway on this acting thing that's not really taking off
- to continually love and adore the boy and making him see just how important he is to my world that something like the fight we had the night of the 15th would never happen again
- to get my p's
- to loose three kilos
5 scenes in 2006
- veronika, bar 20, private room
- horrendously cold cafe in the early early a.m's that bore witness to what could possibly be the most awkward and best first kiss ever
- thursday of that week. he knows why
- second morning at beach house, he was still sleeping, i sat by his side reading Sweet Bird of Youth
- sprawled across my living room carpet clutching the phone and barely breathing, nida had just delt me with a blow and he was angry at me, my world shattered into insignificant pieces
Posted by
1:21 am
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
peace on earth
I'm sitting here watching crap on TV. there's Sandra Sally doing a promo spot for House M.D. there is something so very wrong with hearing that typically deep newscaster's voice calling some old guy with a limp sexy.
I hope everyone had a good christmas. had enough food, got enough loot, enough boozing. this one week leading up to the new year will be the week of atonement. making peace with the past year and getting myself geared up for 07. there's a whole lot of crap going on inside my head right now that i don't particularly feel like airing so publicly here right now, maybe later on some hidden jump. i'm not making life easy for the people around me, that much's for sure. i'm taking a slight emotional break until january 2nd.
but right now there's The Book Of Love on Showtime. with Simon Baker, who i never noticed before but has this very earthy sensuality about him. The fact that his skin and hair and oh his eyes, reminds me so much of the boy, that can't hurt. he was quite dashing in The Devil Wears Prada as well. yes yes it finished downloading a few days ago and i watched it while making wontons with my mum. very pretty crap.
speaking of which, the boy's just messaged me that he's coming over and i should put a few wontons on for him. happy new year everybody.
Posted by
7:30 pm
Thursday, December 21, 2006
things to do:
[] to read:
- Perfume
- Spot of Bother
- The Three Bears
- On The Road
- Catch-22
- The Great Gatsby
- Sense and Logic
[] get a job
[] get drivin'
[] finish this list
omg i want this table. it's the devil table!
Posted by
7:15 pm
Labels: videos
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
carve my turkey
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jump for more......
Posted by
3:06 pm
Labels: rant
Friday, December 15, 2006
float on
today kinda sucks. kinda sucks hard.
5 things i want for christmas
1. a freak thunderstorm in kensington, nsw
2. the hope that everything only gets better
3. somethin' cute. maybe a little handbag, maybe some summer dresses.
4. a little energy, to get me going again
5. the iphone. january couldn't come sooner
5 steps out of my slum
1. finish reading love in the time of cholera. i'm getting there
2. buy something entirely inappropriate and i totally can't afford
3. watch an insane amount of movies, it worked last year i'm sure it'll do again
4. ice cream. cake. get my waistline on the up and up again
5. catch up with people: watch shortbus with daphne, badger dean about his tropfest shorts, badger carilious to go clubbing with his girl, pull tregsie out sometime before she flies off again. and everyone else i've neglected over the year. if you're reading this, I'M AFTER YOU
Posted by
11:17 pm
Labels: fives
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
am back
merry christmas to all and to all a good night
/thanks to cokeboy for the link
Posted by
11:56 pm
Labels: videos
Thursday, December 07, 2006
drop ins
hey peeps. mama screwed up a firmware update on lappy and took him into shop. and as we're speaking they're stripping lappy of its plastic to make him all bright and new and *shock horror* WHITE again.
no more posts until mama gets lappy back
or let's make it easier.
no more posts til next friday. 8 days to go!
Posted by
1:30 pm
Labels: update
Friday, November 24, 2006
5 things i'm thankful for
i'm just a sucker for the holidays, any holidays, even ones i shouldn't celebrate because neither my cultural background nor my adopted culture even acknowledges. such as Thanksgiving.
so here for this weeks list (on a friday finally)
5 Things I'm Thankful For:
1. this city: my oh my how i love melbourne. there's always too much to do and too little time (and effort) to do them. if only everything opened 24hrs. Even the sydney siders agree that it's a much warmer city (and these are the damn bitches that run NIDA).
2. my age: i've finally made my peace with the big two-one. i feel like i'm settling into a new phase of my life now and time isn't running away from me so much. it's still terribly green, but it sounds like it has lived.
3. my health: all except for that damn kink in my back (i'm getting it sorted out tomorrow) i'm tip top condition. i could probably do with a bit more exercise and less lard but hey, there's always next year.
4. the boy: he has really made this half of the year a much happier time.
5. the people: pulling my head out of my own butt has been really great, i actually made some new friends this year. thanks to all who gave me the time of day and letting me in. that's it. you're stuck. forever. TEEHEE~
i'm sorry that was a shitty list. and corn syruppy. but it's true. new years is happening so soon and i just know it's going to get better. this whole year has been great, i got a bit of my confidence back, i'm reading more, i started talking to people again, there was singapore and all the amazing people i met there and i'm at peace with everything. whatever happens next year, i promise i won't let it slip.
Posted by
4:46 pm
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Can't fucking believe it. I actually made it
shortlist. NIDA. breathe woman breathe
you want to fuck me don't you daddy?
the four is not broken up yet
17 y/o blond haired blue eyed bloody talented ryan
big bear of a rugby player with the othello voice anthony
charming hilarious filipino boy john
and me, daddy's girl.
all there is now is the wait.
nothing to it.
i think i've given it a fair shot. let's just hope they liked me enough and will be able to remember me well enough come december 15
Posted by
7:05 pm
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Nashville, Gosford Park, The Player, my god even The Company.
the overlapping murmur of conversation, the flowing camera work threading through sets, a silent observer. Robert Altman has showed us a new way, an intimate way of interacting with the silver screen.
yesterday, at the age of 81, the legendary Robert Altman passed away at Cedar Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, of complications from leukemia.
i'm only sorry i didn't catch A Prairie Home Companion when it was at the cinemas, stupid boy didn't want to see it.
But you know what? He's already contributed so much to modern film making, and he was recognised for all his work at the oscars this year with his life achievement award, that all it matters now is that he passed peacefully, knowing that his work is loved and appreciated by all. I just wanted to give him a little wink and a nod from my little piece of the internet.
Let's have a Robert Altman Film Marathon. M-A-S-H, Nashville, and Prairie Home. Perhaps sometime next week? if anyone is interested, call or email me, or better yet, deany boy if you're reading why don't YOU organise it?
Posted by
5:54 pm
Labels: obituary
Sunday, November 19, 2006
five fives
5 things i love about christmas
1. because even after it's over, it's another week til new years. you never have to stop mucking around not doing anything
2. because of new years and the inevitable resolutions coming around the corner, you can eat yourself silly and not feel guilty about it. oh and what i pretend to be egg nog, custard in a cup.
3. the promise of presents. i mean face it, it's almost always disappointing in the end but just the lead up to it is so exciting (by the way, my phone doesn't have excited in it's dictionary, i totally thought i was going crazy and couldn't spell something i learnt in grade 4)
4. stupid christmas themed cartoons and tv shows. it's not as good as halloween but it's a decent runners up
5. the myer windows. it's always stupid and crowded and lately it's all commercially successful children's books but there's nothing wrong with that at all. every year i seem to be lining up to see it on my own. this year i plan to have a posse with me, sometime soon and sometime at night so there won't be a lot of people, who cares the lights won't be on, burke st is looking quite pretty these days. who's in?
5 reasons i need yet another moleskine
this list is purely selfish reasons, i really really want another one but i really really don't need it. so here goes
1. because my reporter 'skine has ran out of the perforated pages at the back and the boy has been checking under his pillow every time i've been over there and now i feel bad.
2. my old one is so full of crap that i get embarrassed whenever anyone wants to look at it
3. it's nearing the end anyway (oh how i lie, i'm only about half way through)
ok i couldn't do it. it'll have to wait.
5 phrases i don't want to hear in the next week
1. i'm sorry but...
2. chinese dragon lady
3. oriental blossom
4. classic passive aggressive
5. there are 6 girls i've seen up in darwin who are all younger and hungrier, and they're all better than you
5 things i thought about "A Guide To Recognising Your Saints"
1. that kid from the disney channel is all grown up! and making out to be a decent actor too. excellent cast all around, especially the kids
2. brutal, brutal film. i squirmed a good five times, with two of them getting some sudden clasping-of-hands-to-mouth action
3. first time director, and you can really tell. some aspects are so fresh and wonderfully exciting cinematically, but then there are some awkward movements from the present to the flashbacks, the overly jerky handicam action etc
4. although the story of the present is quite rich and interesting, the guts of it really lies in the memories, and i mean his books are based on all that so, even though it became more of a homecoming story for the film, it would have probably made a much more interesting movie if it was just the kids in queens. it seriously felt like a cross between mean streets and some spike lee movie.
5. i actually quite like rosario dawson. surprised myself too.
5 things that made me smile today
1. being able to sleep a good two hours longer than the boy and have a freshly brewed coffee waiting for me out of the shower
2. the dandelion i found next to the bus stop
3. my new birk's. they're pink!
4. just being in the NGV giftshop again. eventhough he didn't buy anything. the pencil case that he did like was actually a coin purse that didn't really fit the pens and all the others are either too big or not to his liking. but seeing the little'ons little one was pretty funny. you know what i'm talking about
5. watching a movie on my own again. but with the vital difference of being able to call someone and talk about it while i walk home.
Posted by
1:41 am
Thursday, November 16, 2006
tea party
ok, normally, i'm against any form of book mutilation. in fact any speck or fold on the cover of even a cheap paperback is a horrifying book crime to me.
but this was just...exquisite
happy one week til my call-back's and thanksgiving everyone!
Posted by
10:47 pm
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
it's now! it's now!
it's all happening today!
Posted by
6:24 am
Saturday, November 11, 2006
long time comin'
i kept on typing up posts and deleting them. maybe i'm just over blogging.
i got sick of writing on inferior paper so i gave the paperblanks the ditch. you couldn't tell before with the uniball 207's because it was a gel ink, but now with my fancypants Noodler's you can see that ever second page hasn't been treated properly and so the ink just soaks through. now i'm officially using all moleskine's (by the way people, it's mole-a-skin-a, not mole skin. seriously, what kind of a company do you think it is? it's damn oilcloth).
and i was going to update my out of date meme from last year, you know, the longest meme is the world. but i realised i couldn't actually make it any more or less embarrassing/interesting/entertaining than it already is so that would just have to stay put.
i've gone all mac app crazy again. downloading and then zapping shitloads of perdy perdy apps. and since everyone. and i mean EVERYONE is writing up lists of their top 10's i think i just might as well. and i also know a few people who are thinking of switching so... this weeks list would be another cop out. top 10 mac apps. and since i'm such a cheapskate you betcha most of these would be free.
but since it's such a cop out i'll put it after a jump
Top 10 Mac Apps (for this little lady at least)
10. (free) tangerine - this is still new and in beta, but i'm liking this a lot. it's a playlist generator for your itunes library. you set the minimum and maximum beats per minute, the minimum and maximum beat intensity, you set how you want the music to be sorted (build up to a climax and then work back down, two climaxes, random etc). and then lastly you set for how many hours you want music to play. et voila. i only wish i could use my sizzling keys controls for it though.
9. (free) coconut battery - this one is tiny but useful. no it doesn't just tell you how much battery power you have left, it also tells you how much you have killed your battery by leaving it plugged in all the bloody time.
8. (free) VLC - ok, everyone has this already. but in case you don't, go get it now. to be honest i'm not a huge fan. but i need it simply because quicktime doesn't play everything. (by the way get the divX codec for quicktime so that at least it can play most of your downloaded media. and buy quicktime pro. it's money well spent)
7. (free) journler - it does what it says, but it's linked to your iLife so you can import all your photos, home movies and sound bites into it. you can backdate up a storm and with smart folders, it's a pretty little package. too bad i don't write enough to use it. but i have it always in my dock in case i do. Although i JUST downloaded Park, and i'm thinking, maybe this is just pretty enough and wikkity enough and GTD enough to take journler's place.
6. (free) sidenotes - while we're on the topic, sidenote is pretty nifty. i love the stickies on the mac but sometimes, you just want it to be always there but out of the way you know? sidenote sits out of sight on the left or the right of your screen, and slides out when you mouse over it.
5. (free) senuti - grab songs off other people's ipods. right on.
4. (free) alarm clock 2 - there are plenty of alarm clocks for mac's out there, and all of them do the same things. set multiple alarms with the option of repeating weekly or daily and set it to your itunes. and i admit, there are some prettier ones out there (iRooster comes to mind). but they're all shareware! This one is free, comes with a egg timer, uses growl and stays in your menu bar and doesn't clog up your dock. oh and put it on snooze with your apple remote!
3. (free) MacTheRipper - for ripping dvd's. it's easy, and bomberman tells you at the end that copying dvd's is wrong. BOMBERMAN! he's the bomb! (there's also handbreak for those of you wanting to do a little more, i haven't used it much, i just like bomberman)
2. (free) adium - i know this is in everyone's list. but truth is, i only have this beacuse i CAN'T use iChat. i don't know anyone on it and i don't know anyone on AOL. everyone's on bloody msn. oh and adium is really out of the way and easy and clean with tabbed chats. only trouble is i can't see the customised emoticons all you throw at me, unless it's animated for some reason. but i see that msn messenger for mac has been upgraded to 6.1 so i might give that a go.
1. (free) Quicksilver - i should probably link you to Merlin Mann's 43 Folders. he's nutsy about this. i like it because it's fast(er than spotlight) and can do more. i'm not so whizzy with it yet because i have a life.
there we go. although. clearly there's a few things i've mentioned that are not apps but i'm in love with. such as sizzling keys. control your iTunes whenever wherever with key strokes. the very first mac thingy i downloaded ever. i saw it on Call For Help! and started looking through episode guides on their site looking for this, and that's how i got to Leo Laporte's page, and that's how i got into podcasting and that's how i turned out the way i am today. we all have sizzling keys to blame. but by god it's worth it. also a big fan of witch, command+tab on steroids. and flip4mac for watching wmv files on quicktime. free, free, and free. my god i really did well on the price stakes haven't i?
so go download em little ones, or if you're a pc user go to the sites anyway and drool over how pretty mac apps are and then go SWITCH!
oh wait a minute, this post was supposed to be for the boy. since, you know, i haven't really blogged about him lately (unless you've been sneaking peeks at my vox).
but every so often i'll run across a picture i haven't seen before and i'm totally crushin'
all these essays, gonna be end end of us eh? we're almost there though. and you know, once it's all done, and after my audition, and after the one week trip to singapore, and after all the rest of the auditions (fingers crossed). we'll be free to do ANYTHING. ANYTHING at all. completely and utterly free, without purpose in life. drifting together. and i can slowly creep up onto your to do list again
oh and by the way, i was looking through that rolling stones magazine top 500 songs torrent and hey hey, there's a good few Muddy Waters in there! so meh. you suck more
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
many apologies about the list. i was sick of myself by the end of it too. and yet i ran straight out to Groovy (thanks daphne) and bought a little $5 palette.
oh and i got a myspace. again. i know i know. but this time it's prettier, and there's more than just the boy on it this time. so come add me!
oh and the background is a frankie poster, which you can download as a desktop wallpaper.
as you can see, frankie is my number two friend. she would be number 1 if i didn't think the boy would chuck a hissy. oh oh and i'm so excited about this, benji boy (or Benjamin Law as he is known to the rest of the human world) is also a "friend". now i can declare my love for his mother's slippery vagina all over the place (check the latest issue of frankie for reference, no i'm not that weird)
i'm not entirely sure why though. not a hell of a lot to update on. but i did bid (and win) on a super 8 camera at around 4 a.m. this morning on ebay. now i'm regretting it a little. i mean i don't even know if it works. and even though i got it for like $10 USD, the shipping is going to be triple that. just another reason why i shouldn't be allowed a credit card. I haven't paid for it yet. so you guys check it out for me. i mean i can afford a bad rating on my ebay. it's not like i have this amazing track record that i'll be sabotaging.
that's enough for today. really. i should really really be doing some essays or something. or at least doing my monologues. maybe i'll go do that now.
Posted by
12:43 am
Saturday, November 04, 2006
five makeup must-haves
that's right, i'm going ditsy girlie think pink mode today. it's late, i'm tired, and i really really should be doing work. boys and girls who are like boys roll your eyes.
so here goes:
5 makeup must-haves i probably shouldn't leave the house without in order of application
1. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser - the only tinted moisturiser that actually has a little coverage. i could more or less get away with just that, there's a little reflective sheen to it so i layer a little extra under my eyes. it's a tad on the expensive side though, but i haven't found a good replacement.
2. MAC Sheer Select/Pressed Powder - as good as any i guess, but we always need powder, and this one doesn't crease or settle or look too dolly
3. Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner in Black Ink - love love love this. easy to put on (with a brush ladies and gentleladies) and doesn't move. seriously. and sure, it's a tad on the expensive side again, but seriously, i've had my little jar for almost a year now and i'm not even half way in, and believe me, i've been going at it daily. probably the only thing i'm recommending on this list. but get a good brush, a nice thin flat one so you can draw a good line but doesn't require too much precision .
4. Stila Convertible Colour in Lillium - easy peasy and looks pretty in my bag. it's awesomeness in a compact. this on has a lot of fans, stila does good marketing, considering mecca's their only distributor here and they charge crazy mecca tax.
5. Diorshow Mascara - nice and thick, and doesn't straighten out my freshly curled lashes as other wetter mascaras tend to do to my stupid asian lashes. (get this cheap over strawberryNET, FREE SHIPPING! WORLDWIDE!)
because it's such a cop out list, i'll give you five more
6. Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler - compliments of the ever beautiful Danny. it actually works. that's all that matters. do as i did and get someone to get it for you from the states, or now i hear people are going nuts over the kevyn aucoin ones now. speaking of which, i was just starting to go nuts over kevyn aucoin the month he passed away. freaky. and now 4 years after he's passed people are just getting into a product line which he didn't create by the way.
7. Rubis Slanted Tweezer - yeah it's $65. So i'm pretty glad i didn't lose it last time. but boy, it's worth it. it's so sharp it's a damn weapon. and so flat it clasps pretty tight around the pesky little new hairs. you can probably get it cheaper without the mecca tax
8. Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Bronze - yeah it's shit expensive. and yeah i could probably do without it. But since i have it, you bet your damn ass i'm using it every chance i get. that said it is very nice, and adds a nice shimmer (as you'd hope) and in summer i use it in place of a blusher. this should probably be where the MAC pressed powder is in terms of positioning, but it's late and i can't be bothered changing numbering.
9. Cetaphil Cleanser - your regular drugstore $11 for a giant bottle stuff. but the only thing that doesn't make my skin angry. girl can have expensive taste but my skin knows my worth.
10. Kiehl's Lip Balm SPF 15 in Hue No. 30G - it melts. it MELTS your lips, and it's perrdy. i know #1 is the good stuff but i'm liking the little hint of colour and the less thick and glucky texture here
yeah...i'm scaring myself too. i should stop spending money. to be honest i generally only have on the tinted moisturiser, the Diorshow mascara and the stila convertible colour (or CC as it is known amongst Vogue Beauty Forums circles, i'm a sad sad woman). i'll stop this. i might even take this post down sometimes in the future when i can think of a better list to replace it. but that'll do for now
Posted by
3:11 am
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
even though i'm a good hour and half late, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
i know, the most celebrated holiday of the australian calender eh? but it was always my favourite holiday. the dressing up, the candy, the bad movies, the cartoons, the pumpkin, the fact that it marks the end of my birthday month with a bang (yes young carilious, you can smoke without feeling guilty now)
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
You will be sucked dry by a leech. I'd stay away from swimming holes, and stick to good old cement. Even if it does hurt like hell when your toe scrapes the bottom.
Take this quiz!
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mmm...leeches. that's not a bad way to go actually. i mean it doesn't actually hurt, and you can just fade away.
I hope you all had a good day, even if it means nothing to you. i'm just insanely happy around celebrations of death. i sat in borders and read The Raven out to my boy and then went off to scream my head off in drama class. good times all around.
The Who released a new album. i'm probably not the first to say this but WHAT THE?! i actually quite like it. craziness.
Today also marks three months with the boy. by high school standards we're officially going steady. but i hear reese and ryan are splitting up. i had such hope for those kids, but it was bound to happen. No matter how many Crash's and Gosford Park's and Flag's of Our Father's he does, he'll always be the pretty blond boy in an excellent ensemble cast, and she's swimming with the big fish now. i'm not entirely sure where i was going with that, it's just sad. i loved those two as a couple, such cute kids. but yes, our three months. good times, and good times to come.
totally useless post. i'm just procrastinating some more. i've decided i officially hate Hamid Naficy. racist bastard.
let's everyone go do something in the spirit of halloween for me. go read some poe, watch an episode of tree house of horror on youtube, rent the original The Fly, have a toffee apple. who cares we'll be a day late, it's just such a good holiday, don't let it go to waste. i guess that's all i had to say.
Type rest of the post here
jump for more......
Posted by
1:28 am
Friday, October 27, 2006
i've been playing around with Vox today. you know, that new "mass market" upscaled bastard brainchild of sixapart, you know, the parents of LiveJournal and TypePad and MovableType etc.
it's a mix between LJ, myspace and suchlike social networking sites with some pretty powerful blogging tools. the fact that it's linked to my flickr and photobucket account is all kinds of awesome (i.e. i can add photos from my flickr and photobucket accounts from inside Vox). the side panel lets you list your books and audio (which you can grab from amazon, or upload yourself), and you can create collections with all these lists. the social networking aspect comes from the idea of a blogging "neighbourhood" where people connected to you (as friends or family or just "neighbours") are also linked on your side panel (remember LJ's friends section? cept now it's pretty and you you don't have to go to the profile page)
i won't post a link up yet (although you can probably guess it). It's not totally set up the way i want it, and i don't know anyone on it. But my mind's pretty much set, i'm going to slowly move all my old blogger posts over to Vox and back date up the wahzoo eventually. and then i'll kill this blog properly. until then this would still be where you're hearing all the what's what about me.
to whet your appetite, here's a screencap.
(omg posting pictures using vox'll be so much easier...can't wait)
5 things i could possibly use Vox for
1. a blog for rebel screen?
2. fictional writing
3. a weekly column on what's wrong with the world today
4. bad angsty poetry
5. love letters
Posted by
10:32 pm
all's well...that...ends...well?
i'm an idiot, i totally just left my wallet in the rehearsal room. now i got it back and i can't use any of my cards because they've been reported as lost.
and emotioal turmoil has all been alleviated also.
funnily enough also because i'm an idiot.
classes finished for the year today. all i did was manage to catch the last 20 minutes of the man who fell to earth, and chatting to dinnersuck daphne (check links panel) while feeling only very remotely connected to the drowned out conversation plaguing the other end of the table where felicity was sitting. felicity being our lecturer, my personal hero, my idol who, if i was ever going to stay in uni, i want to become.
feeling utterly indolent, and it's not even sunny today. i suck. tomorrow. tomorrow.
uni work still to be done, 4 x 1500 words', 4 x 2500 words'. i have about three weeks, i kid you not. amazingly enough only 2 of the 1500 ones are overdue. although they are LONG overdue. pesh.
no jump today, i'll put up this week's list later today, once i think of something good.
update on the awesome awesome ink: still inky, still awesome.
Posted by
12:54 am
Labels: update
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
mao mao!
I wrote this blog out, pen and paper. that's right, it's been drafted. not that it'll sound it. mainly because the boy has surprised me with some awesome noodler's ink (the junk i've been crapping on about to him for as long as we've been going out, and unavailable in australia apparently). i love that he realises the way into my heart is by geeking it up and ordering in the inky black liquid of gods. it writes amazingly well, and no bleed through even on the thinner 'skine notebook paper. so in those respects i've been a happy chappy.
so what else is new with me eh? well....Drama class is going swimmingly. there's only, well, there's four of us now officially. the two other girls aren't exactly taking it all that seriously, Em's there to learn tricks to teach her kinder garden kids (and boy, don't we know it. shut up about the kids already). and newcomer stutterer (possibly intellectually handicapped) alanah, well, she's possible intellectually handicapped.
the above opinions, although just snarky enough to be my own, are not. no no, these wondrous gems of insight were provided by the i'll-masturbate-in-front-of-tony-knight-if-that's-what-it-takes boy Lachy. i can't imagine it actually working if he wasn't so pretty. He was in my first round of auditions last year, and not too shabby at all. he made it much much further than i did, and for good reason. but all that's beside the point.
but all that leads to my current glum.
i lost my wallet.
fuck. shit. shit. frickin. prick. cunt. piss. fuck. frick.
it could have fallen in one of two places;
the front stoop of the house right next to Lynch's on Domain Rd where we sat to bitch about the other two students last night, or Lachy's car when he offered me a lift home after the bitch fest.
This morning consisted of me going down to ANZ to cancel all my cards, making it to uni for all of an hour and 15 minutes before i ran off in a huff, going to cafe 181 and forking out $25 (which i managed to gather from all the pockets in my moleskine's lying around) for what i ate last night to get my id back (long story, just another thorn in my shit-arse day), then going to ANZ with said id to take out some money to replenish all said moleskine's. am pissed, and i need pizza.
i'm not following my draft of this post at all by the way, since i wrote that last night before i realised i didn't have my wallet with me. and i'm in no mood to wax lyrical on Little Miss Sunshine or David Lynch short films or indeed, the state of uni assessments.
so last week's fives after jump
5 things i'd write with my awesome new set up of fountain pen and noodler's ink:
1. this blog entry draft on my pocket ruled reporter 'skine
2. Essay Plans!!
3. Objectives and given circumstances for all three of my monologues
4. shopping lists and to do lists, to give a sense of formality to all my crummy stabs at productivity
5. a thank-you letter to my boy for this awesome awesome ink. (seriously people, try it out. it almost makes what you're writing worthwhile)
ps/ the title of this entry is a reference to Godard's La Chinoise. no actually, it's mostly a reference to the 60s french pop song featured in Godard's La Chinoise. Claudes Channes' poptastic Mao Mao
Sunday, October 15, 2006
To start things off, i'm going to post here a video made by the lovely coke boy, the hermopolitan ogdoad chaser himself (check out his blog in the linky panel). i think the video speaks for itself really...
it's been a while. i like to think that it's because i've gotten a life and just really haven't been on the computer much, or even that my neurosis have subsided somewhat (for what is this blog other than a place to sprout my on going shit shock crap?). but let's be honest, not a hell of a lot has happened since the last post, and i've been lazy as hell.
when i say that not a hell of a lot has been happening, i only mean that in the sense that there is no concrete list of things that i've done or places i've been or people i've seen. this is by no means a reflection on my current psyche. no, it's been some fulfilling few weeks. ima liking my birthday month.
last week family tregs threw me a birthday party, mama, papa, and brother tregs, tresie and nick, my mother, carilious, and my boy. i couldn't look at them too much, it was the best i could do to keep from crying. it was the sweetest thing, the way they've always opened their doors to me, for me. if it was possible to fall in love with a family then they're my sweethearts. and the 21 presents was pretty damn awesome as well, although some were ever so slightly embarrassing opening in front of my mother.
oh and yes, of course, MAGIC BALLOONS!!!
it was also alice lee's 21st recently. good times. it was like a massive year 11 reunion. which should by all means be horrifying but it was good. sweet even.
check out her sexy back
alice kiss peter
i started reading Love in the Time of Cholera, given to me by my beautiful boy. Only about chapter and a half way through but it's sucking me in. i can just tell that there are going to be some teary moments which would make this highly unsuitable tram ride reading, but to hell with that. there's a restrained elegance about the language, so kudos to the translator. i can only hope that i'll get to feel even just a level of that kind of love, and be brave enough to recognise it...i think i've satisfied the cliche quotient for this post.
the weather has been awful nice lately hasn't it? sunny days with a gentle breeze always buoys me up, it's like a b12 shot, always a sense of new beginnings. i'm learning my monologues, i'm getting there. maybe it's just because i've been feeling so invincible lately but i feel good about them for once. i'll keep you updated.
jump for all the missing fives, i think there's been two
5 people that's been surprisingly rubbing me the right way:
paris hilton
i know i know, but i'm over hating her. i finally got around to watching her sex tape the other day and you know what? i think i "get" her. if i was brought up as privileged as she was i'm sure i'd be JUST like her.
tiffany from st martin's drama class
even though she's in the making of becoming a toorak mum, even though she's just turned 20 and driving a merc, even though to be perfectly honest, she can't really act, she's such a personable sweetheart that i genuinely like her.
one of the drunken friends of the boy
don't hate him because he's all about boozing and hooking up with girls lately baby, love him because in amidst of all this boozing and hooking up he still wants to spend time with you. at least when he's sober, and you find him funny drunk, so it's win-win really.
a ghost of boyfriends past
it's funny how well we get along, and it's disturbing how our conversations always stray to the gutter (probably more my fault than his). but i'm glad you're back buddy.
my mother
she's been yelling less. the overall average decibel of her vocals has been dropped significantly. keep it up woman.
5 past times i've been enjoying lately:
- sitting on the grass on south lawn, half in the sun, half in the shade, and thinking about absolutely nothing.
- riding the tram a few extra stops to read a little more
- MAGIC BALLOONS!! (it's the ongoing story with this blog isn't it?)
- annoying the salesman at australian geographic store, shooting things at other customers and after playing with every single item in the store, buying only a $2.95 spinning top (which is teh sex by the way. it lights up!)
- waking up with my boy next to me in my bed, tracing his back with my finger under the morning light. i've never been happier (and thus i've satisfied the sop quotient of this post)
Monday, October 02, 2006
i'm officially old. but despite most people deciding that there are more important things on, much fun was had. it ended up being just our tiny posse of the boy, cary and dean (oh and dean's friends who's names i'd forgotten the moment they were introduced to me. one of them had awesome shoes that killed her feet too). clicking on the photos will take you to the photoset, they're all in chronological order too so just follow the stream for the full narrative effect.
but here are some highlights
Y+R were great. Karina is officially my hero. that girl's insane, and insanely hot when she's going nuts. which is all the time. i got your dirty kicks!
got some pretty decent loot this year. oh oh, what did the boy get me you ask?
a bonsai tree. it's beautiful, and i'm going to kill it. like how i've killed every other plant that's come into my possession. i'll keep it near a window and hope it does the trick, the photo part of photosynthesis, right?
but thank you baby, for making me happy, and coming to the boring family dinner, and everything else you do for me.
i don't hate birthdays, it's just the organising involved that irks me. but it always just works out. so now i'm old, and have heaps of overdue work. but i'm happy. i'm very happy.
Posted by
11:16 am
Saturday, September 30, 2006
This is probably the last chance i'll get at posting something before i turn 21. so people, i hope you all hae a good one.
if anyone was wondering, at some stage tonight, between 9 and 12 i'll be at click click waiting for Young and Restless to go on and trying to get my boy to dance. i didn't really invite anyone, so consider this a last minute open invitation to all interested parties.
I got a new haircut, and i'm still getting used to the fringe. well the fact that i had two people tell me it's not as hot as i thought was kinda hard on the self esteem. but i think it's hot. they'll be some photos some time i'm sure. well....birthday photos and all that. and i bought new bedding. Mossimo with 250 thread count so....decent. and it being the first complete set i bought myself i'm feeling all grown up and empowered. document this momentous occasion, rather than the usual Friday Fives, here's a meme:
Sunday Morning Meme: 50 questions
1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
my new hair colour is HAWT!
2. How much cash do you have on you?
all of $25
3. What's a word that rhymes with "DOOR?"?
4. Favorite planet?
5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone?
Ping Island from life aquatic
7. What shirt are you wearing?
a pink peter alexander tank
8. Do you "label" yourself?
as a hack
9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
i'm in bed, but i was just trying on my new steve maddens: i hereby dub thee, shoes i'll never be able to walk in
10. Bright or Dark Room
11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
erm.....wanker (i stole this off the guy who did that craig's list prank)
12. What does your watch look like?
check the last post
13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
talkin on the phone with my boy
14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
"baby. work sucks. i'm sick of these people. you are so great to me. thanks for everything. i miss you lots. love you baby" 10 bucks for who it's from
15. Where is your nearest 7-11?
within my block
16. What's a word that you say a lot?
17.Who told you he/she loved you last?
my boy
18. Last furry thing you touched?
my stuffed cow
19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?
none.....cept for that one cigarette i had yesterday
20. How many rolls of film do you need developed? my life? a good truckload
21. Favorite age you have been so far?
as of tomorrow, 21
22. Your worst enemy?
kirsten "troll" dunst
23. What is your current desktop picture?
there's a running theme boy
24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
goodnight mum
25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
practically, i'd take the money. but if i were to be selfish, i'd take flying anyday
26. Do you like someone?
oh i'm in lurrrrve
27. The last song you listened to?
OK GO - can't remember which. i've been trolling the dance contest videos and got excited
28. What time of day were you born?
6:00 a.m.
29. What's your favorite number?
30. Where did you live in 1987?
in china
31. Are you jealous of anyone?
miss scarlett
32. Is anyone jealous of you?
doubt it
33. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
try and pound it a little, then wait for someone to help me
35. Do you consider yourself kind?
i like to think so
36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
i want my queen of hearts and ace of spades on my pelvic bone, little wings on my right ankle, fire on the base of my left foot, and some profanity inside my lower lip
37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
38. Would you move for the person you loved?
39. Are you touchy feely?
40. What's your life motto?
41. Name three things that you have on you at all times?
pocket ruled reporter moleskine with a uniball signo RT 0.38, my wallet, cell
42. What's your favorite town/city?
43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
my new steve madden patented bright fire engine red stacked heels that i can't walk in
44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
can't remember...but i write letters all the time, i just find it easier to hide them under pillows
45. Can you change the oil in a car?
46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
that he may or may not come celebrate my birthday with me tonight
47. How far back do you know about your ancestry?
my great grandmother who was beaten and killed in front of my mother
48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy?
erm.....i guess it'll be Mel's 21st when i wore my black and white polka dotted empire line strapless lil ditty
49. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
nope, cept for my toe which still remembers the pain from trying to walk in my new shoes
50. Have you been burned by love?
it's never the love part that burns is it?
Posted by
1:54 am
Thursday, September 28, 2006
three blissful days later, i'm back, and it feels like i'm picking up from where i left off. it's even weirder this time, since the mess in my room still looks exactly the same. it just feels like i've been out partying and came home at some obscene hour, except i'd lost three days.
but those were some nice three days.the application forms were signed and sent (well the important one is sent anyway, the other one would go soon, very soon).
along with the application forms i had to attach some passport sized photos. desperate and sama-less, i had to make do.
they're not as terrifying as last year's. they'll do. they replied, the audition is on November 15th. which means i can't go to Sing for Happy Feet. i'm going to have some painful emails to write tomorrow...
there's more after the jump...the three days were spent lying around half naked, watching dvd's we'd brought with us, reading (a depressingly little amount), and mostly just lying around half naked. it was beautiful.
the amount of food we'd consumed was also quite beautiful. he'd suggested we should start our own food blog, but really, who'd want to see our greasy fry-ups day after day? this was dinner on tuesday night. the burger to end all burgers. i was K.O'd my little mouth couldn't even wrap around half of it at a time. he did better than me, and didn't leave as much of a mess. and tried to console me by telling me it's the equivalent to that of what he makes when he has asian food.
and it was followed in the morning by the following:
no you're right, that wasn't all. between the two of us we managed to polish off four sausages, four eggs, eight rashers of bacon, five mushrooms, two onions, three bread buns and an extra slice of bread and at least a litre of orange juice. project lose three kilos is flying high.
today i say. i start doing things today. (that krispy kreme carilious brought me just punched me back down again)
oh oh i got my watch! two years coming...and finally i have my hands on it, actually it has hands, on me...geddit? oh i'm so lame. but the watch is kickin some butt. check out my girl eva green rocking it
not too shabby eh? mine has a black face instead of the blue. (and she looks mighty fine and naked in The Dreamers if anyone's interested) she might actually make the new bond worth watching, despite the shite song and the shite mug on that shite daniel craig manso after shopping, and eating some more (blue sky! cheap and tasty! some little alley way off lil bourke opposite a club X) we went in search of those baseball glove chairs at central. we managed to find where they all went to pasture, with somd DJ uncomfortably near us, actually the DJ i didn't mind so much, the speakers and the squat security guard dancing along did. and while we just just sitting there not doing all that much. a bunch of alice in wonderland characters flittered in for a photo op. there's twiddle dum and twiddle dee with Queen of Hearts. the two ditsy alice's were away somewhere dancing in their white knee-high go go boots. it was only then we realised it was the launch of On 3 in melb central. not all that interesting, but we did get to see people flying on poles...
so there, that's me up to date. what's left? oh right, the fives i forgot to put up all week...
A (Materialistic) Birthday Wishlist - 5 things i want
1. my watch (GOT IT! yayness, this is one to do list i can perform on!)
2. a trench coat (four years later and it's STILL in the magazines?)
3. a new ipod (i want my entire library in my pocket dammit!)
4. my Eyre Affair back from jazz (seriously woman, hand it to me)
5. the boy and zac's soon to be recorded EP (whenever it drops, hook me up)
Posted by
10:55 pm
Friday, September 22, 2006
as you may have noticed (provided your Internet connection is up to speed), i've laid down some tracks to accompany this blog. in the interest of keeping people on the page i've decided to go with the least offensive track ever (albeit very sweet) to hit things off before settling into the JT.
i'm blogging at 4am again because i can't sleep. i hate getting home after the sun rises. we went out for late night cheesecake last night (and steak, after the cheesecake, don't ask) and my dear boy decided it's fine to run the battery down just to play some music while in the car. RACV was called, no tears were shed, but falling asleep with all the damned birds chirping outside just doesn't sit well with me. and the fact that the left side of my back is shockinly sore doesn't make things any better.
in less annoying news, someone has triple posted the same comment on one of my video posts from way back when.
Your very pretty, whether this is a true blog or not... unfortunately you don't have "it" that makes "lonelygirl15" a blog to watch for. Sorry, but I still think your very pretty :)
- jeromecruz
erm...ok dude. first off. why are you watching it? there's only that one video blog post so clearly i'm not some major "lonelygirl15" scale production. and who prompted you to compare it to lonelygirl15? get lost creep.
as much as i love youtube hunting, the community scares me in so many ways.
i know it's friday already, i'll have this week's list up shortly. once i think of what to make a list of...
essay report: not progress, not even close.
nine days until the big two one. still no plans. i need someone to hit me really really hard, maybe so hard that i'll go into a coma and wake up and it'll be all over, and people would feel so sorry for me that they'll throw a party for me. please? jump for more......
Posted by
3:53 am
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
i heart hearts
just checking in, to you know, procrastinate some more
the adventures didn't really take off. instead i went out for dumplings with cary and the boy, and mooched various things to watch and listen to off the both of em.
among them, season three of entourage.
they toned down the celebrity cameos but kept the gut wrenching satisfying put downs they throw each other, the pure awesomeness that is vinny chase, and the only conniving son-of-a-bitch i'd want to fuck over my career, ari gold. it's the best kind of trash, i mean where else are you gonna see DJ adam line up for some limited edition sneakers?
i'm getting tired, maybe i should just admit defeat and call it a night. this fucking's gonna be the death of me
i officially have A Better Tomorrow in german on my computer. people who don't specify the language of their foreign film torrents need to DIE DIE DIE!!!
much like john tucker....
any takers? some time this week?
anyway, some sillies to see you out.
Posted by
12:20 am
Monday, September 18, 2006
you're the colour, you're the movement, you're the spin
this essay is never going to get written if i don't do something drastic.
i'm going off on an adventure today!
i'll go someplace i don't know, walk around some foreign neighbourhood, maybe watch a movie at someone else's local. i'll leave my phone at home, and most of my money.
loneliness was such a great motivator. not necessarily for uni work (god knows), but for the self. i was always so terribly aware of myself and exactly where i was. i need to go find that again. to all the good people who reads this blog: a brief farewell
Posted by
2:13 pm
Labels: update
merry paramour
i remember once, when i was much younger and a hell of a lot dumber, i gave away all my books in make believe auctions bartered with play money that i made. not only my books, my dad's books. this was way back when it was just the old man and me. he couldn't understand why i would be so generous with the books, which meant a hell of a lot more to me, than the all the dresses they shovelled off to my cousin. i guess in my young mind, i had a really warped idea of fairness, and deservings. my friends had already paid me enough in attention, and love. and they would treat the books with as much care as i did. my little cousin however, spoilt rotten as she were, did not appreciate all the things my dad and grandparents picked out to ship off to her. mostly dresses that no longer fit me, but sometimes graphic novels which she won't read. i always felt betrayed when i came back to find something gone and knowing it had gone to her. i would've quite happily given it all to the neighbouring kids if i'd known they were going to do that.
i made that decision very early on. blood is certainly not thicker than water. and people who are kind to me, deserve everything.
although i still live by that principle, after all the politics of highschool, i've learnt to be a lot more selfish. until that is, questions of love came into the equation.
i'm still as confused as ever. i've watched enough romantic comedies to get the point drilled in; that if you're not being honest then in the end everyone gets hurt
but it's never as easy as that is it?
so as i shout my mantras in my head
i'll just stumble along hoping something sticks.
Posted by
1:44 pm
Labels: rant
good morning sleepy head
my phone was vibrating on my desk this morning. and i wasn't sure if it was either a call or my alarm, i must have hoped it was a call. that's the only explanation for me to get out from under the covers. only my desk was too far away, so i had to just take one step. i scrapped the underside of calf along the edge of my bed trying to get to my phone, only to realise that it was my alarm. set at 7:15 because it got me confused with some other diligent uni student who wakes up at obscene hours during the holidays.
so not only did i have to suffer the searing pain (note the searing, i have mentioned previously that i sometimes enjoy a soft ebbing subtle pain but no, there was nothing subtle about this morning) but also the disappointment. and now i'm left with a scar down my leg, and it's still sobbing now.
disappointment's a funny thing. because you can only get disappointed if you'd hoped. i never took myself to be an optimist, snarky and bitchy as i am, so how come i'm disappointed a lot? i'm too much of a believer, in good things. it's what landed me here, not really doing anything, just drifting. as cynical as i can be i still think that things would just work themselves out eventually.
well no more i say. get ready for a whole new me. in 12 days and 20 hours i will be twenty-one. and legal all around the world. and i'm not about to step into it disappointed. scarred leg and all.
still no party though, because organising is a bitch.
wow...that rant took on a completely different path from what i had planned. but if making my own happiness is the theme then i guess i could get behind it. it's just that...3:50a.m. i'm sitting here blogging to god knows who. four hours ago he said he's going for a coffee and 40 minutes left of a show he was watching and never came back. it's becoming a habit of his, a frustrating habit. throwing in a "I'll call you!" at the end of conversations just because it's required, well in my world that generates expectations. and all the vacuous "xoxo"s. i'm dating a teenage girl (with a large wardrobe comprising of pink and pastels).
so liar, when and if you read this, give me a call.
Posted by
3:31 am
Labels: rant
Sunday, September 17, 2006
five favourite things to do in the sun
- sitting out on chapel st with good friends sipping a cookies and cream chiller
- watching girls walk by dressed in their summer clothes
- dreaming i'm someplace far more exotic with scantily clad grecian gods feeding me grapes (or the boy, whatever)
- looking for empty lecture theatres
- dandelions! fly my pretties...
and because my approval ratings go up whenever i post anything to do with this little lady...
Posted by
3:10 am
Saturday, September 16, 2006
bits and blobbies
because i haven't posted any photos of my boy since his haircut...
that's right, we take videos of each other taking videos of each other. only i was clever enough to stop my video-taking to take a photo. we're the awesomest kind of suck. BAM!
and while lying about south lawn the other day we managed to spy young alex and her new toy canoodling. and the following will show off my awesome paparazzi skills
oh and carilious dragged me out clubbing last night, to his friend's birthday (Happy birthday Terry!) and it ended up being a pretty good night.
and to prove it all, here's a picture of rita flipping cary off
Thursday, September 14, 2006
bring back the sun
one of these days i'm going to feel guilty about rocking up to my tutes without reading anything or even watching the movies. but i'm still not gonna do 'em
a boy on the tram was wearing tee and shorts. and fingerless gloves. woolen ones, with red and black stripes. and a silver chain bracelet OVER the fingerless woolen stripy gloves. i bet you any money that he's sleeping alone tonight. fucking posers.
still doesn't beat the shock of the following image:
Steph Mac, in standee form
JB, we need to talk, i understand that you need to stock whatever crap the australian corporate sluts put out and all, but that was just not cool. without any warning either. just, right there... (To see it in action, just visit JB Hifi elizabeth st between the two pop/rock sections)
and explain to me again the boots?
and oh, what's this i see? you can actually win a signed standee?!?! fuck...standee is 165cm tall, i remember her being shorter than that. and fatter than that too, some major photoshopping action there my friends. i'm totally buying her album now. the woman has a standee.
OH HO! she's recorded a cover of wishin' and hopin'? as in what we were doing in ensemble 11 back in year 11? dear god. i can hear the ringtones haunting my tram line now. i'm gonna need bigger headphones.
Posted by
12:50 am
Labels: bitchin
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
we've conquered lecture theatre C
after threatening to do so all six weeks. *ahem* yes...
beeeaaaautiful day today. lazed about south lawn all morning pretending to do the readings that i was supposed to have done by now, and went off to my tute presentation having only read half of all three articles. i've gotta say, as far as tutors go, wendy is teh bombest. kicking in when i needed her to and dragging my half articulated points to something a lot more substantial.
the let's-see guy went off his face. mars attacks went down a charm. i won't have to hand the paper in until after the holidays. everything was just peachy.
all of a sudden i feel like i might just be on top of things again, i'm pretty sure i'll have another panic attack sometime soon but today? i'm invincible today.
remember that quiz i did a year ago? well....i decided to do a recount...
This Is My Life, Rated | |
Life: | |
Mind: | |
Body: | |
Spirit: | |
Friends/Family: | |
Love: | |
Finance: | |
Take the Rate My Life Quiz |
i see a vast improvement in one particular area =P how come my family and friends are still so low? jump for more......
Posted by
8:24 pm
Labels: memes
Sunday, September 10, 2006
so australian idol started properly tonight. and you know what? they don't suck as much this year.
i am officially a bobby flynn fangirl (based on one performance, that's right, but we all know how it's all going to cole anyone?). and i like that kyle is a judge, it means there aren't any overly ugly peoples in idol this year
aside from that (thrilling) report...yeah i know i'm pathetic...nothing was achieved today. i had such plans. i was going to do my tute presentation for 50s cinema and pound out a rough plan for hong kong'll just have to wait i guess. although i did manage to clear the crap off my desk (onto the floor under the desk) and clean up my desktop on both computers (straight into my "to be sorted" folder) and reorganised my bookmarks toolbar (read: deleted the broken links). real productive. nod.
oh and i've narrowed down to four (currently in stock) tee's that i want from threadless...
the best shirt ever!
Communist Party
and some random cutesy stuff...
i still don't have any photos to show...well considering i've been home all day it's hardly surprising. oh oh i heard yesterday that a friend of a friend has just gotten herself a recording dealy...and since i'm not exactly friends with her i can happily bitch and moan here that she, being the rich bitch that she is, totally does not deserve it. no i'm not bitter, not one bit.
by fiona apple, the once golden girl MTV darling. well she's still beautiful, and i'm still in love with her.
Posted by
10:15 pm
Labels: music
Revival of the Movie Reviews
i have just come back, from something that was so shockingly bad, it has prompted me to revive my long dead movie reviews. although it's a pretty bad review. but you know, it doesn't deserve any better. take a lookie.
boy has a new haircut! but boy is not happy with the (lack of) length to his new haircut so girl shall refrain from posting pictures until boy is happier.
and on a scale of one to ten in terms of how fucked this girl is for her uni, i'd say she's at purple backwards.
there hasn't been much eye candy on this blog. i'm going to whip my camera out more often now and take pictures of things other than just the boy. maybe a bird, or a bee, or even no, i won't go there.
i'm in a chipper mood tonight. and the JT is starting to sound a lot better, although, it still ain't no justified.
i could've been watching holly valance getting naked, instead i had to see the atrocities that was silent hill. carilious, i blame you punk! gumption or no.
Posted by
12:42 am
Friday, September 08, 2006
pill poppin
and not the good kind either. you know what? illness is funny. so i've started a medical journal. it's good readin' so far. finally got off my ass and saw a GP, a funny kinda fella who asks about "vigorous sex" and lectures you on how "the price of love is always tears, even if it's sixty years later and he dies, or if six weeks later it all falls apart."
i like him. i think i will be going back.
aside from the unpleasantries, which i shall spare you here, other pills were prescribed. i'm feeling all empowered, like i'm finally a modern woman. actually gettin something that kicked off the liberation way back when is very different from gettin some new found easy fix solution. and it also means that some strange man wouldn't have to see my ass every three months, which is always a good start.
my VOX invitation came through, just when i'm getting stuck into the blogger beta. (wordpress, as fancy as it can look, is idiotic. not letting people get at their templates? what is this insanity?!) so i'm all conflicted. although VOX is looking a lot like a mix of blogger, livejournal and myspace. which is a scary concept, undoubtedly fun and rating very high on the soul sucking levels, but maybe not the right addiction for now.
i need some food. pronto.
because i'm am teh lazy, why don't ya'll call me if you're going to be free on the 30th sept (sat night). there are no actual plans but...i'm sure i'll think of them as the day approaches. twenty-one bitchness. am freakin' old.
and since it's friday already...
5 phrases i don't want to hear the next four weeks.
"so...what do you want for your birthday?"
"so...when are you graduating?"
"so...what are you going to do after you graduate?"
" are those essays coming along?"
"I think we should see other people"
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
if a guy's density base rating is 20, then it multiply's by a factor of 1.6 by each shade of white
jump for more sillies
i heart baby panda's
there's seriously nothing cuter.
maybe baby turtles
kill that hairy fucker!@
you know need to see the rest of it. but only if you have a strong stomach
puss caterpillar: 1
puss caterpillar: 2
Posted by
2:22 am
Labels: videos