...and what alice found there

Friday, February 08, 2008

pretty plether things

so get this. Natalie Portman designs shoes now. and not only are they
a) unimpressive
b) way too expensive for what they are (vegan is now apparently code for plether, or just a word you plop in front of inexpensive products to jack up the prices, the "vingage" of 2008 if you will)
c) only available for pre-orders right now.

they are sold out, down to every style, and in every size.

Don't get me wrong i've been in love with this girl ever since that photo in either a Dolly or a Girlfriend magazine eons ago in that white faux fur jacket doing a promo for Star Wars Episode One, a love affair that's been constant throughout all her choices, even garden state, and growing steadily since closer. must she follow down the celebrity endorsement rabbit hole? oh i'm sorry it's a celebtrity "design range" but writing down a list of pumps, mary janes, ballet flats and some very basic heels doesn't exactly constitute "design". but bless her heart, she wants some vegan alternatives to designer shoes, someone should tell her you could just probably grab some cheap asian import for plether.


I just finished reading The Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius. the Dave Eggers debut memoir/novel that put him on the map. The guy is a genius, and the fact that I started reading it traveling from San Fran to Chicago while he moves from Chicago to San Fran and you know, mentioning places I kinda sorta recognise, made it the on the road novel du jour for me the way that kerouac didn't cinch. I still don't think he put the post in postmodernism. i'm going to maintain that even if you are self reflective (staggeringly so) and utilise all these little tricks you'd find in other established postmodern novels, if all of this is used just to progress a traditional narrative then in essence it can't be considered postmodern. so basically a style/content issue. but who gives, it's an amazing book, you'd be doing yourself a favour to read it.

and now i need help deciding what to read next. my one pile on my bedside table has (since america and, more specifically since City Lights) spilled over into three small mounds running parallel to my bed. but i still have a 40% off borders voucher burning a hole in my wallet so if anyone comes up with a suggestion i don't own, i'd be open to that too. at the moment it's looking like it's going to be Atomised. mostly because i'm looking for something short (i like to have a long, short, long, short pattern to my reading habits), something not as all out young america and someone not quite as easily likable as Eggers. send me your suggestions.

I'm totally just putting off sleep, i have nothing to say here. somewhere in the inner workings of my mind i must have decided that if i put off sleep, then i would not be able to wake up tomorrow and i would not be able to go help out mum at the post office in the morning BUT if and only if i'm doing something pseudo-productive like blog writing which contains the word writing in it which makes it kinda sorta worth while. oh no, it seems i'm back to my long sentences of year 10 days when i used to break microsoft word by having too many clauses. the dark days when i was still under the pc cloud. the days of blue screens and virus scans and I.E.

speaking of which, 32 gig ipod touch! that's almost worth considering! If they bump the disk space of that fit-in-a-manila-envelope, lickable-on-breakfast-tv macbook air of theirs, i might have to trade in my lowly macbook for some of that tasty goodness.


since this is so stream of consciousness already, here are some random links for you (pillaged unceremoniously from Waxy.org)

the arcade fire seems to be breaking some sort of record for making some very interesting music webpages (as opposed to music videos) for their kinda dull music. black mirror is the latest to get the creepy geeky weblicious treatment. question though, music videos have traditionally been made to promote album sales, much in the same vein as singles, posters, magazine interviews. how does something people have to actively look for achieve this? and if someone is geeky enough to find these little ditties (like i did), don't you reckon they'd download your music illegally (like i did)?

The Human Tetris - not that japanese one, although which is crazier i'm not entirely sure. the sheer amount of effort these guys put into making this. oh and not only tetris, they've previously done Pong, Space Invaders and Pole Position.

My blog stat reports has been a little disturbingly high lately, so for the first time in yonks i went to my site meter page and took a look at who's been coming for a visit. a majority of whom are just looking for asian porn in google images and came by way of that picture i posted of Maria Osawa a while back. with the image search terms as quite literally "asian porn" or just simply "asian"...how does google know?!?

but then there are some funny ones too, so i've decided to bring back the Friday Fives!!!

5 seach items that led people to this blog

mels boobs - with no apostrophe, because once i mentioned that the picture of mel's boobs on my flickr is one of the all time most popular. i only wonder if the net stumbler meant mel kelly too.

jesse james fucking simulation - i'm not even sure what this means, or what this person is looking for. jesse jane the porn star perhaps? maybe when jesse jane was on howard stern and rode the symbian maybe?

rosario dawson lip balm in death proof - this girl clearly knew the way to my heart, girls who kick arse combined with my love for lip products

dirty cunt - on page 27 of google, when you look up dirty cunt, is my blog. i wonder how many other links this person tried before they got to mine.

piss on my girl - this was from aol search and so i couldn't figure out the moojoo of which image exactly did they find for those search terms and whereabouts my blog came up for the inquiry. the fact that all these are vaguely girl/porn related has nothing to do with me, clearly we're all in the wrong industry and should just quit our day jobs and add to this massive empire of smut.

runners up: bemmy book (??!) photo drum girl (huh?)

i think that's enough ramblings for one night. goodnight all.

jump for more......