this is a mad man. a mad man who's currently rocking my world.
did anyone else know about this? why did i have to spend two hours staring at his photos at MOCA in LA to learn about him?
so get this right. he cut buildings. oh don't worry, he's got his architecture degree from cornwell. so he knows what he's doing when he cuts a W shaped hole throughout a house. or makes a conical insert into some building about to get demolished. or when he just splits a house down the middle. anarchitecture. it's amazing. he also made short films, performance art pieces, hang in the gallery type art pieces, was in paris for the 68 riots and aligned himself with the situationists. the man's a freak. hacking away at the american dream quite literally with a power saw. splitting the modern city. the book on him was too big, a quarter of the size of my suitcase, and weighed accordingly. so i bought a book on his films. making trees dance, cutting and descending into the base of paris to honour his friend's death.
so i'm sitting here, listening to roising murphy trying to convince me she's no longer moloko, and reading up on Gordon Matta-Clark.
Splitting (titling pieces wasn't his strong point)
Office Baroque
Conical Insert
A W-Hole House
His influence is still felt today, just a few months ago, a british artist Richard Wilson decided to have his own go at matta-clark.
Turning the Place over
...and what alice found there
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
house with a w-shaped hole
Posted by
12:22 am
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Simulacres et Simulation
2007 spent in the dark:
01. Pan's Labyrinth
02. The Fountain
03. Stranger Than Fiction
04. Pursuit of Happyness
05. For Your Consideration
06. Notes on a Scandal
07. Breaking and Entering
08. Little Children
09. The Illusionist
10. 300
11. The Good German
12. Perfume
13. The Host
14. The Lives of Others
15. Paris Je T'aime
16. Half Nelson
17. Spiderman 3
18. The Science of Sleep
19. Zodiac
20. As It Is In Heaven
21. Tales from Earthsea
22. My Best Friend
23. Factory Girl
24. Transformers
25. Harry Potter OoP (Singapore)
26. Alone (Singaproe)
27. Sicko (MIFF Opening)
28. Breath (MIFF)
29. Lagerfeld Confidential (MIFF)
30. In Memory of Myself (MIFF Vollie)
31. The Signal (MIFF)
32. Accelerator Program 2 (MIFF Vollie)
33. Rescue Dawn (MIFF)
34. Time (MIFF)
35. Transformers (repeat)
36. After Life (MIFF Vollie)
37. VIVA (MIFF Vollie)
38. Echoes of Home (MIFF Vollie) +Katoomba
39. In the Company of Actors (MIFF Vollie)
40. My Kid Could Paint That (MIFF Vollie)
41. Day Watch (MIFF)
42. Inside Paris (Work)
43. Born and Bred (MIFF)
44. Strange Culture (MIFF)
45. Joshua (MIFF) +Strange Hysteria
46. Mister Lonely (MIFF)
47. Man From London (MIFF)
48. This is England
49. Home Song Stories
50. Fracture
51. Ratatouille
52. A Mighty Heart (Staff Screening)
53. Chelsea Girls (ACMI 16mm)
54. Badlands + Mean Streets
55. Eastern Promises
56. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (Staff Screening)
57. Death Proof
58. Michael Clayton
59. Elizabeth: The Golden Age
60. Awake (LA)
61. Juno (LA)
62. Beowulf (San Fran)
63. The Golden Compass (San Fran)
64. No Country for Old Men (LA)
65. Atonement (NYC)
66. Sweeney Todd (NYC)
67. The Bucket List (NYC)
Paid for: 27
I've been back for almost a week now, but that's ok, I gave myself until this weekend to be lazy. the mother gets home on the 15th, at which time the buzzing would return to my head and any gears i've been cranking internally to get somewhere would unwind, deflate, and i'd probably settle back into same old routine of passively consuming trash starring some prepubescent doe eyed starlet. oooooh skins returns in feb, my torrent client can have something to feed it's hungry hungry heart again.
back to list making. favourite films from the above list:
Paris Je'Taime
In parts, the joss whedon segment sucked pickles, and chris doyle scared me.
Stranger than Fiction
Maggie G can do no wrong
Breaking and Entering+Notes on a Scandal+Little Children
these three kind of just blended together, all small scale dramas with very good performances.
Half Nelson
If i could have sex with a performance, i choose this one
The Science of Sleep
if michel gondry could get any more whimsical, he'd have be be making a movie with his 5 year old son. oh no wait, he is.
The Signal
Fucking Hilarious. getting a general release this year.
Rescue Dawn
little dieter gets the hollywood treatment. it didn't suck
In the Company of Actors
technically not a film as much as a video doco on some fabulous people putting on a fabulous show. Cate is clearly an alien, and not the MLC alumni she leads you to believe. I changed three shifts so i could see this standing in the back of the cinema during MIFF. worth every un-paid second.
Mister Lonely
rates right up there in the weirdest films of this year. in a good way. mostly.
Eastern Promises
viggo mortensen's penis gives a stella performance.
Assassination of Jesse James
i don't know why i'm writing anything, these are just good films, go see them
No Country for Old Men
ditto. a tad violent, great script.
oh no, the buzzing is already starting, my head hurts. I'm a catlady with no future. at least my boys love me. i'm liking how needy and clingy they've gotten since the cattery. constantly at my heels. honestly guys, bathroom time is MY time.
boy that was a sucky post. i still haven't been able to wash off the slummy stench of 07. tomorrow's monday. 2008 would start then. i'm just two weeks late, going by my usual standards it's not half bad.
Posted by
7:20 pm