...and what alice found there

Thursday, December 13, 2007

a manifesto of sorts

I, like you, have accumulated a bookshelf full of books i never intend to read, and growing.

i, like you, know what films i should be watching when i put another season of scrubs or family guy into the dvd player. and i have them too, those films i should watch, stacks and stacks of them. and growing.

and i know you've read all this before, fuck i know that no matter what idea i have, no matter what i write here on this useless blog it will never be anything original. there is not a single thought that this little brain could come up with that hasn't been thought before.

even today, just as i was thinking about the whole individuality as the new conformity thing, and then, there it was. wham. bound and pretty in City Lights Bookstore, already in paperback by some Hal Niedzviecki, ready for me to scan through and relate to and jump up and down rather embarrassingly shouting to my mum like christian bale did in velvet goldmine "THAT'S ME! MUM! THAT'S ME!". complete with some hipster with skinny tie and black cardie on the cover, all that was missing was the retro specs, which i'm sure is mentioned in chapter 5 somewhere. every sodding idea i have, it's floating out there, i just don't know about them yet. (yes ben, i'm using the "word" sod, it carries the right amount of washed out, wasted, trodden nuance that i need)

this is not an existentialist oh-woe-is-me-what-is-the-meaning-of-all-this crisis. i'm just saying, stating, in a manifesto sort of way, to just fuck it.

The Fuck It Manifesto.

it's like when i watched Juno. i mean was it ground breaking? no. not in content, style, comment or delivery. but was it entertaining? more importantly, was it worth while? Hell yeah. so fuck it. I, Alice Bing Qing Tao Qin (and anyone who cares to join me), vow to, henceforth, not worry about originality, repetitiveness, or (let's face it) quality, but just go ahead and see if i can put anything, anything at all into the world. the worth of which can be determined later, creation is the idea. enough of this worrying about whether people would like it or whether it would work or whether i feel sick writing the same opinions over and over again in uni essays. fuck it. it's better than not producing anything at all. (and failing uni courses because you didn't write the essay at all)

it's like when i finally decided to get my dSLR. i'm no photographer, and i probably never will be. i just knew that i needed something more than what my little point and shoot can give me. i have tons of photographer friends who would be able to see my pathetic shots with it but you know, fuck it. they're hardly going to critique me. i guess this isn't original either, it's the whole not being afraid thing isn't it? but as of now, i couldn't care less about that either.

so who's with me? for creativity's sake. for getting more voices herd. for never having to capitalise because it's just a blog. let's just fuck it all.

Alice Bing Qing Tao Qin

(sign your name in the comments if you're behind this movement)

jump for more......