work at palace has been really good. they've been giving me a lot of shifts, which could either mean that they are really really under staffed, or that i haven't screwed up too big yet! either way, yay for me! the world is wonderfully small though. i won't bore you with the deets but needless to say, many people turns out to be friends of friends and i went to school with two of the girls...blah blah blah prawn crackers!
seriously prawn crackers, we got them for free with out take away order today. Red Hot Wok on Toorak Rd, South Yarra; tasty food, tiny servings, but free prawn crackers! seriously they do pizza hut like deals with soft drinks it's kinda strange. and all the waiters are uniformly unfriendly. no one smiles in that place. ever. it kinda scares me.
since i'm rambling. i really want to do this. i'm in need of more hard drive space, and i think i have a large skine that's not getting enough use i could cut up...
along with my stupid sickness, and general lack of energy, my room has accumulated a collection of drink bottles, cups, scrunched up tissues, clothes, laundry, uni stuff, and a corner where the boy always dumps his stuff. just today he looked at me lying on my bed and said
"what's that corn doing on your bed head?"
i think i need to do a massive clean out soon. and i can start bringing my books home. i've been missing my babies.
i don't think very much anymore. which is why this blog is becoming rambling updates and not much else. i don't know how to think anymore. if anyone has any ideas for a ready made essay on blake shoot it my way. it's making my head hurt. and it really really hurts.oh oh yes the boy turned 21. he looks the same, acts the same, threw up once, cut his finger and crawled into my arms, and quit a job. well on his way i daresay. photos of all shenanigans on my flickr. for all you losers who missed it, there was a lot of drinking, choofing, and sneaking hungry jacks into the pub (you're welcome rhys). word has it, a good time was had by all. oh by the way, the photo of mel's boobs on the first page of my flickr is getting so many hits it's ridiculous. like 60 as opposed to the 2 or 3 of all the rest.
actually he is at amber's 21st right now, or should be on his way here by now. i think i hear him!
*hitting publish*
20 minutes later...
no no, he's not coming for a good while yet. he says next half hour. but what's the bet? 2am? any takers? i'm saying at least 2, maybe 2:30. maybe i'll lie in bed and watch streetcar and revel in the fact that at least he's nothing like stanley. and how hot brando was, and vivian leigh, nutter as she was.
gling glo, can't help loving that man of mine
...and what alice found there
Friday, April 27, 2007
plum sauce pork ribs
Posted by
11:32 pm
Thursday, April 12, 2007
strawberry cookie shakes
whenever i have essays due, i become such a geek. i start signing up to things and cleaning up my bookmarks toolbar, and because a productivity guru.
i got Jaiku working today. which pulls things from my twitter, both things i got working with my mobile today. so you can all stalk me, i'll be sure to twitter exactly what i'm doing all the time, and people on jaiku can see it too, jaiku is also pulling my blog posts from here, as well as my flickr photos. my blog posts are also being pulled into my facebook. i also signed up for tumblr for a tumblelog. which i can upload videos i find on to and don't have to burden this blog with crap like that which according to darren is just useless crap anyway. i'll link you once i post something. but since it's a steram of consciousness type low key blog i feel it's probably going to be used a hell of a lot pretty soon. you can check out merlin mann's and also leo laporte's to get an idea of what it'll be like.Other than that. big news shot through the cultural world today. Kurt Vonnegut died. which is all kinds of sad. i barely got through slaughterhouse 5 (even though it's the shortest book ever) but it was mainly because it was making me uncomfortable. just slightly unsettling. each time a "so it goes" pops up i'd get shivers up my spine. RIP kurt. so it goes
I got a job yesterday. Palace cinemas called me tuesday when i was in the middle of what would probably be the busiest line at a post office counter ever, i was unfortunately at the wrong end of the counter. but i called them back and they told me they were impressed by my resume. but i mean how could they not? they couldn't ask for more experience, or any closer. only problem was that i threw out my last pair of contacts before checking if i had any left and so after a mad scramble looking for the non-existent spare lenses (searching becomes an endlessly more tedious task while half blind) i tried to make myself as presentable as i could imagine without really looking in a mirror and went to an interview staring at the two little black dots on a face which i hoped were his eyes. but the interview was dead easy, i think they gave me the job before i even went in to meet them. they should be giving me a call soon for a first shift, he said probably this weekend just to get things started. i'm so excited. palace como has to be probably the best cinemas ever. and free tickets? say whoa?
i'm pretty screwed for these essays though. the blake class shits me so much that i don't even like to open up the book. there's a lot of work to be done the next few days. i'll try not to twitter or jaiku or tumlelog too much.
speaking of which, i should probably dive right in again.
oh wait! i went and saw The Lives of Others today and it was aaaawesome. incredible story, and the characters are all so great. i WILL definitely review it properly. this one at least. (oh wow....i need to review like 14 movies...)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
musical humps
as covered by alanis morissette
i'd be scared too if it weren't so damn funny
and and
you remember that song in DDR? No Limit? well here's bjork drunk and covering it. omg look at her little arms swinging in that kimono.
Posted by
3:37 pm
this is the new maroon 5 video. it's unbelievably poppy, almost boyband-y. and for some sick reason i find ridiculously catchy. plus Adam Levine still looks kinda dreamy, and i like men in suits.
why did i post a fast connection only version? well i'm a lazy bitch who cbf looking for the youtube embed url and it looks prettier in this more demanding with it
oh oh and
a sneak peek at the new spoon "Don't You Evah" at sxsw. damn i wish i could go one year. it sounds like such a blast
Posted by
12:08 am
Sunday, April 01, 2007
bedroom bound
instead of writing the 12 movie reviews that i haven't done yet, i decided to add a song to this blog, and get rid of the clunky flash player (which wasn't working anyway) and instead found this handy little playtagger. go on then, click on the little blue play button, nifty eh? all with just one line of code, so neat.
i've moved back home almost a full week now, i still don't have all my things though. the boy has graciously brought back most of the things i desperately need, and my room feels less burdened by all the crap that...well...i don't need.
gah, i need time to do all these ghastly readings. it's getting on my nerves again.
there are photos on my flickr page if anyone cares to go look. i've added a Narcissism pane to my sidebar since shit about myself was really cluttering up my links.
in a blegh mood today. much like the way my head feels. i'll check back in when i'm done feeling like crap
ps/ 5 things that make me giddy
1. the giant breakfast he cooked for me the other day: 2 sausages, 2 rashers of bacon, 2 eggs scrambled AND pancakes. it was insane
2. that he tucked me in to bed last night before leaving. made me feel all small and loved. both things i value
3. that he brought back heart shaped biscuits for me from work. i love that he steals for me
4. that he got out of work to go watch perfume with me. and that he downloaded the marie antoinette soundtrack for me thus giving me theme music.
5. just how much he loves me
the boy is angry at me today for the amount of cyber flirting that's been carrying on. to be honest i don't actually think any of my messages can constitute as flirting, but in his words "if i deem them to be bullshit then it's bullshit". he's really angry in fact, and has been all day. i don't know how to make it better. i don't know if there's anything i can do.
i think i just have to wait for him to come back to me.