i have never been more excited about a movie.
what is possible THE BEST children's books ever,
His Dark Materials are books i hold the dearest to my heart. books that i read and reread all throughout highschool and more or less set my mind for the rest of my life on topics of organised religion, life, maturity, sexuality, sin, pleasure, love, everything. there has never been a book i've enjoyed more, in both intellectual content and pure adventure.
i'm not even going to type properly i'm so excited. i mean sure, the casting is a little iffy. i'd always imagined someone with a really long neck for lord asriel, not mr no neck bond. and sure, we could do without a young child star named Dakota Blue. but zomfg! this is going to be the best movie ever!!!
from heart ripping page turning goodness of the first book to the epic battle between the church and the authority Vs. everyone for a Republic of Heaven, these books will blow your mind.
Philip Pullman is really THE master storyteller. while being a gripping yarn for the kids, he never talks down to the audience, and the most complex ideas i have ever had to grapple with were presented plainly in the midst of the greatest adventure story. the characters, i would happily give my life for the Iorek, or lee scorsbey, or indeed, lyra. it!!
ps/ the clip is just a teaser, the animation is in no way finished yet so don't worry about the crappy rendering
pps/ and yes, these are the books that made me foolishly run around oxford a whole day looking for jordan college. i realise now that it's fictional, and based on exeter college, which, i actually went to in my search. so i'm happy.
...and what alice found there
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
i'm sitting here at the computer wondering if
1. i should do something about this slow as ass internet connection
2. i should go out and start handing out resumes like it's going out of style
3. if i signed up for Virb, if anyone would join me.
it's seriously a pretty site. and looks a lot more powerful than myspace or facebook. but three social networking sites really is overkill.
about the other thing.
yesterday when i packed up everything and i was waiting for the boy to pick me up, i sat there in my living room and felt sick to my stomach about leaving. and now that i'm here, so much further away from everything than i'm used to...i don't know. it's not a mistake because i needed this push, but let's get me back into the crazy hubbub where you can't see the stars and there are 48 places to eat 5 minutes away.
i'm such a pathetic city girl
make me happy by all joining virb? haha no you don't have to.
i'm going downstairs to watch more of the american office. i'm bringing pa goriot with me and no one can stop me. no one can stop me from doing anything.
hey...i feel much better
Posted by
1:03 pm
Thursday, March 15, 2007
independence day
so officially, as of 14 March 2007 at 12:00p.m. your's truly left home. not unprovoked i might add. an imac G5 is now without a screen and many accumulated little pieces of junk has been scattered across all sections of the bedroom. photos have been torn up, broken glass everywhere. behold gladies, the wrath of Mrs. Qin
so until further notice, i shall be situated at residence of the boy. thus turning lazy alice, back into commuter alice. it is however, still cramped corners in house gubbins, so my horde of adoring fans, please be my eyes and ears and be on the lookout for a room in/near the city/uni. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!
i'm looking out this window and i see...hope? a future? fair weather?
just some birds and some washing on the laundry line.
i'll get there though. don't you worry yourself about me.
i was camera whoring the night before it happened. so unwittingly, my "girl with sleeping boy story" has become "the last night" in my room.
Posted by
9:51 am
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Guilty Pleasures
I've been a terrible webstress. i'm terribly sorry. there ain't much to excuse my behaviour. I haven't been particularly busy, or anything less than lazy.
Most of you know by now that in between posts i got my self some kind of inked
and in anticipation of any faq's yes the meaning is three-fold
1. it's my initials. for at least the two outer corners of my name
2. i wanted the queen of hearts for alice in wonderland. "Off with'is 'ead!"
3. it also makes 21 in blackjack (now i know some of you scoff at this as a reason to get a tatt, but think, i'll always remember when i got it right?)
I saw two burlesque shows, spent valentines with a group of fun loving people, went to junkyard cinemas a few times, went to rooftop once, saw a whole bunch of movies that i still need to review properly.
oh and young carilious turned 22
rio (john) who shares the same birthday came to celebrate too. it was a dirty night at a nasty asian rnb club as promised, and carilious went home wasted as promised.
Uni started. and for some reason (my lack of communication with admin) i got stuck doing only two subjects this semester. which means i lose my concession, and my will to live. drats. but ho! this means a whole semester of nothing but Blake and C18th crime literature! i can feel the blood rushing back into my head!
and good news my friends. you all know my own personal hero (read: demi-god) felicity colman? well out of the goodness of her heart, some sexual favours and probably a lot of wanting to keep her subjects open, she's decided to award me an h2a for a subject i didn't write a final essay on. she is now elevated to the level of appreciation i reserve for porn stars only in my heart.
speaking of porn stars. ladies and gentleman, is maria ozawa not the most beautiful specimen of the dirty kind alive?(this woman does hardcore!)
google her yourself you pervert (start by clicking the picture)
i hope you are all well. comment a little so i know you still love me and forgive me for all my misgivings. and i'll check back again. soon. for reals.
a make-up list
5 things alice is loving at the moment
1. the cookies and cream ice-cream in her freezer
2. old goriot
3. NOT the class that's making her read old goriot. lit girls are idiots
4. the boy's guitar lying next to this couch reminding her that he was trying to play classical pieces she used to play on the piano
5. finally getting a blog post out
and since this is all on guilty pleasures. here's a secret guilty pleasure of mine. joss stone. i don't know what it is about her. her pretentious bare foot performances, her all american soul mama voice cracked into pieces that only 20 years of cigarette smoking knows how, the fact that she's a 19 years old white girl from kent notwithstanding, i don't get it either. but here she is in funky technicolour and legs that come up to ^here.
i was debating over whether to post this video (i know none of you would enjoy) or a bruce willis performance involving a white trench coat, some glasses that needs explaining, a rock band and a harmonica. but that might be a little too scary to jump back into the saddle with.
until next time.
aq out