i'm just a sucker for the holidays, any holidays, even ones i shouldn't celebrate because neither my cultural background nor my adopted culture even acknowledges. such as Thanksgiving.
so here for this weeks list (on a friday finally)
5 Things I'm Thankful For:
1. this city: my oh my how i love melbourne. there's always too much to do and too little time (and effort) to do them. if only everything opened 24hrs. Even the sydney siders agree that it's a much warmer city (and these are the damn bitches that run NIDA).
2. my age: i've finally made my peace with the big two-one. i feel like i'm settling into a new phase of my life now and time isn't running away from me so much. it's still terribly green, but it sounds like it has lived.
3. my health: all except for that damn kink in my back (i'm getting it sorted out tomorrow) i'm tip top condition. i could probably do with a bit more exercise and less lard but hey, there's always next year.
4. the boy: he has really made this half of the year a much happier time.
5. the people: pulling my head out of my own butt has been really great, i actually made some new friends this year. thanks to all who gave me the time of day and letting me in. that's it. you're stuck. forever. TEEHEE~
i'm sorry that was a shitty list. and corn syruppy. but it's true. new years is happening so soon and i just know it's going to get better. this whole year has been great, i got a bit of my confidence back, i'm reading more, i started talking to people again, there was singapore and all the amazing people i met there and i'm at peace with everything. whatever happens next year, i promise i won't let it slip.
...and what alice found there
Friday, November 24, 2006
5 things i'm thankful for
Posted by
4:46 pm
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Can't fucking believe it. I actually made it
shortlist. NIDA. breathe woman breathe
you want to fuck me don't you daddy?
the four is not broken up yet
17 y/o blond haired blue eyed bloody talented ryan
big bear of a rugby player with the othello voice anthony
charming hilarious filipino boy john
and me, daddy's girl.
all there is now is the wait.
nothing to it.
i think i've given it a fair shot. let's just hope they liked me enough and will be able to remember me well enough come december 15
Posted by
7:05 pm
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Nashville, Gosford Park, The Player, my god even The Company.
the overlapping murmur of conversation, the flowing camera work threading through sets, a silent observer. Robert Altman has showed us a new way, an intimate way of interacting with the silver screen.
yesterday, at the age of 81, the legendary Robert Altman passed away at Cedar Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, of complications from leukemia.
i'm only sorry i didn't catch A Prairie Home Companion when it was at the cinemas, stupid boy didn't want to see it.
But you know what? He's already contributed so much to modern film making, and he was recognised for all his work at the oscars this year with his life achievement award, that all it matters now is that he passed peacefully, knowing that his work is loved and appreciated by all. I just wanted to give him a little wink and a nod from my little piece of the internet.
Let's have a Robert Altman Film Marathon. M-A-S-H, Nashville, and Prairie Home. Perhaps sometime next week? if anyone is interested, call or email me, or better yet, deany boy if you're reading why don't YOU organise it?
Posted by
5:54 pm
Labels: obituary
Sunday, November 19, 2006
five fives
5 things i love about christmas
1. because even after it's over, it's another week til new years. you never have to stop mucking around not doing anything
2. because of new years and the inevitable resolutions coming around the corner, you can eat yourself silly and not feel guilty about it. oh and what i pretend to be egg nog, custard in a cup.
3. the promise of presents. i mean face it, it's almost always disappointing in the end but just the lead up to it is so exciting (by the way, my phone doesn't have excited in it's dictionary, i totally thought i was going crazy and couldn't spell something i learnt in grade 4)
4. stupid christmas themed cartoons and tv shows. it's not as good as halloween but it's a decent runners up
5. the myer windows. it's always stupid and crowded and lately it's all commercially successful children's books but there's nothing wrong with that at all. every year i seem to be lining up to see it on my own. this year i plan to have a posse with me, sometime soon and sometime at night so there won't be a lot of people, who cares the lights won't be on, burke st is looking quite pretty these days. who's in?
5 reasons i need yet another moleskine
this list is purely selfish reasons, i really really want another one but i really really don't need it. so here goes
1. because my reporter 'skine has ran out of the perforated pages at the back and the boy has been checking under his pillow every time i've been over there and now i feel bad.
2. my old one is so full of crap that i get embarrassed whenever anyone wants to look at it
3. it's nearing the end anyway (oh how i lie, i'm only about half way through)
4. i......need........it?
ok i couldn't do it. it'll have to wait.
5 phrases i don't want to hear in the next week
1. i'm sorry but...
2. chinese dragon lady
3. oriental blossom
4. classic passive aggressive
5. there are 6 girls i've seen up in darwin who are all younger and hungrier, and they're all better than you
5 things i thought about "A Guide To Recognising Your Saints"
1. that kid from the disney channel is all grown up! and making out to be a decent actor too. excellent cast all around, especially the kids
2. brutal, brutal film. i squirmed a good five times, with two of them getting some sudden clasping-of-hands-to-mouth action
3. first time director, and you can really tell. some aspects are so fresh and wonderfully exciting cinematically, but then there are some awkward movements from the present to the flashbacks, the overly jerky handicam action etc
4. although the story of the present is quite rich and interesting, the guts of it really lies in the memories, and i mean his books are based on all that so, even though it became more of a homecoming story for the film, it would have probably made a much more interesting movie if it was just the kids in queens. it seriously felt like a cross between mean streets and some spike lee movie.
5. i actually quite like rosario dawson. surprised myself too.
5 things that made me smile today
1. being able to sleep a good two hours longer than the boy and have a freshly brewed coffee waiting for me out of the shower
2. the dandelion i found next to the bus stop
3. my new birk's. they're pink!
4. just being in the NGV giftshop again. eventhough he didn't buy anything. the pencil case that he did like was actually a coin purse that didn't really fit the pens and all the others are either too big or not to his liking. but seeing the little'ons little one was pretty funny. you know what i'm talking about
5. watching a movie on my own again. but with the vital difference of being able to call someone and talk about it while i walk home.
Posted by
1:41 am
Thursday, November 16, 2006
tea party
ok, normally, i'm against any form of book mutilation. in fact any speck or fold on the cover of even a cheap paperback is a horrifying book crime to me.
but this was just...exquisite
happy one week til my call-back's and thanksgiving everyone!
Posted by
10:47 pm
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
it's now! it's now!
it's all happening today!
Posted by
6:24 am
Saturday, November 11, 2006
long time comin'
i kept on typing up posts and deleting them. maybe i'm just over blogging.
i got sick of writing on inferior paper so i gave the paperblanks the ditch. you couldn't tell before with the uniball 207's because it was a gel ink, but now with my fancypants Noodler's you can see that ever second page hasn't been treated properly and so the ink just soaks through. now i'm officially using all moleskine's (by the way people, it's mole-a-skin-a, not mole skin. seriously, what kind of a company do you think it is? it's damn oilcloth).
and i was going to update my out of date meme from last year, you know, the longest meme is the world. but i realised i couldn't actually make it any more or less embarrassing/interesting/entertaining than it already is so that would just have to stay put.
i've gone all mac app crazy again. downloading and then zapping shitloads of perdy perdy apps. and since everyone. and i mean EVERYONE is writing up lists of their top 10's i think i just might as well. and i also know a few people who are thinking of switching so... this weeks list would be another cop out. top 10 mac apps. and since i'm such a cheapskate you betcha most of these would be free.
but since it's such a cop out i'll put it after a jump
Top 10 Mac Apps (for this little lady at least)
10. (free) tangerine - this is still new and in beta, but i'm liking this a lot. it's a playlist generator for your itunes library. you set the minimum and maximum beats per minute, the minimum and maximum beat intensity, you set how you want the music to be sorted (build up to a climax and then work back down, two climaxes, random etc). and then lastly you set for how many hours you want music to play. et voila. i only wish i could use my sizzling keys controls for it though.
9. (free) coconut battery - this one is tiny but useful. no it doesn't just tell you how much battery power you have left, it also tells you how much you have killed your battery by leaving it plugged in all the bloody time.
8. (free) VLC - ok, everyone has this already. but in case you don't, go get it now. to be honest i'm not a huge fan. but i need it simply because quicktime doesn't play everything. (by the way get the divX codec for quicktime so that at least it can play most of your downloaded media. and buy quicktime pro. it's money well spent)
7. (free) journler - it does what it says, but it's linked to your iLife so you can import all your photos, home movies and sound bites into it. you can backdate up a storm and with smart folders, it's a pretty little package. too bad i don't write enough to use it. but i have it always in my dock in case i do. Although i JUST downloaded Park, and i'm thinking, maybe this is just pretty enough and wikkity enough and GTD enough to take journler's place.
6. (free) sidenotes - while we're on the topic, sidenote is pretty nifty. i love the stickies on the mac but sometimes, you just want it to be always there but out of the way you know? sidenote sits out of sight on the left or the right of your screen, and slides out when you mouse over it.
5. (free) senuti - grab songs off other people's ipods. right on.
4. (free) alarm clock 2 - there are plenty of alarm clocks for mac's out there, and all of them do the same things. set multiple alarms with the option of repeating weekly or daily and set it to your itunes. and i admit, there are some prettier ones out there (iRooster comes to mind). but they're all shareware! This one is free, comes with a egg timer, uses growl and stays in your menu bar and doesn't clog up your dock. oh and put it on snooze with your apple remote!
3. (free) MacTheRipper - for ripping dvd's. it's easy, and bomberman tells you at the end that copying dvd's is wrong. BOMBERMAN! he's the bomb! (there's also handbreak for those of you wanting to do a little more, i haven't used it much, i just like bomberman)
2. (free) adium - i know this is in everyone's list. but truth is, i only have this beacuse i CAN'T use iChat. i don't know anyone on it and i don't know anyone on AOL. everyone's on bloody msn. oh and adium is really out of the way and easy and clean with tabbed chats. only trouble is i can't see the customised emoticons all you throw at me, unless it's animated for some reason. but i see that msn messenger for mac has been upgraded to 6.1 so i might give that a go.
1. (free) Quicksilver - i should probably link you to Merlin Mann's 43 Folders. he's nutsy about this. i like it because it's fast(er than spotlight) and can do more. i'm not so whizzy with it yet because i have a life.
there we go. although. clearly there's a few things i've mentioned that are not apps but i'm in love with. such as sizzling keys. control your iTunes whenever wherever with key strokes. the very first mac thingy i downloaded ever. i saw it on Call For Help! and started looking through episode guides on their site looking for this, and that's how i got to Leo Laporte's page, and that's how i got into podcasting and that's how i turned out the way i am today. we all have sizzling keys to blame. but by god it's worth it. also a big fan of witch, command+tab on steroids. and flip4mac for watching wmv files on quicktime. free, free, and free. my god i really did well on the price stakes haven't i?
so go download em little ones, or if you're a pc user go to the sites anyway and drool over how pretty mac apps are and then go SWITCH!
oh wait a minute, this post was supposed to be for the boy. since, you know, i haven't really blogged about him lately (unless you've been sneaking peeks at my vox).
but every so often i'll run across a picture i haven't seen before and i'm totally crushin'
all these essays, gonna be end end of us eh? we're almost there though. and you know, once it's all done, and after my audition, and after the one week trip to singapore, and after all the rest of the auditions (fingers crossed). we'll be free to do ANYTHING. ANYTHING at all. completely and utterly free, without purpose in life. drifting together. and i can slowly creep up onto your to do list again
oh and by the way, i was looking through that rolling stones magazine top 500 songs torrent and hey hey, there's a good few Muddy Waters in there! so meh. you suck more
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
many apologies about the list. i was sick of myself by the end of it too. and yet i ran straight out to Groovy (thanks daphne) and bought a little $5 palette.
oh and i got a myspace. again. i know i know. but this time it's prettier, and there's more than just the boy on it this time. so come add me!
oh and the background is a frankie poster, which you can download as a desktop wallpaper.
as you can see, frankie is my number two friend. she would be number 1 if i didn't think the boy would chuck a hissy. oh oh and i'm so excited about this, benji boy (or Benjamin Law as he is known to the rest of the human world) is also a "friend". now i can declare my love for his mother's slippery vagina all over the place (check the latest issue of frankie for reference, no i'm not that weird)
i'm not entirely sure why though. not a hell of a lot to update on. but i did bid (and win) on a super 8 camera at around 4 a.m. this morning on ebay. now i'm regretting it a little. i mean i don't even know if it works. and even though i got it for like $10 USD, the shipping is going to be triple that. just another reason why i shouldn't be allowed a credit card. I haven't paid for it yet. so you guys check it out for me. i mean i can afford a bad rating on my ebay. it's not like i have this amazing track record that i'll be sabotaging.
that's enough for today. really. i should really really be doing some essays or something. or at least doing my monologues. maybe i'll go do that now.
Posted by
12:43 am
Saturday, November 04, 2006
five makeup must-haves
that's right, i'm going ditsy girlie think pink mode today. it's late, i'm tired, and i really really should be doing work. boys and girls who are like boys roll your eyes.
so here goes:
5 makeup must-haves i probably shouldn't leave the house without in order of application
1. Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturiser - the only tinted moisturiser that actually has a little coverage. i could more or less get away with just that, there's a little reflective sheen to it so i layer a little extra under my eyes. it's a tad on the expensive side though, but i haven't found a good replacement.
2. MAC Sheer Select/Pressed Powder - as good as any i guess, but we always need powder, and this one doesn't crease or settle or look too dolly
3. Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner in Black Ink - love love love this. easy to put on (with a brush ladies and gentleladies) and doesn't move. seriously. and sure, it's a tad on the expensive side again, but seriously, i've had my little jar for almost a year now and i'm not even half way in, and believe me, i've been going at it daily. probably the only thing i'm recommending on this list. but get a good brush, a nice thin flat one so you can draw a good line but doesn't require too much precision .
4. Stila Convertible Colour in Lillium - easy peasy and looks pretty in my bag. it's awesomeness in a compact. this on has a lot of fans, stila does good marketing, considering mecca's their only distributor here and they charge crazy mecca tax.
5. Diorshow Mascara - nice and thick, and doesn't straighten out my freshly curled lashes as other wetter mascaras tend to do to my stupid asian lashes. (get this cheap over strawberryNET, FREE SHIPPING! WORLDWIDE!)
because it's such a cop out list, i'll give you five more
6. Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler - compliments of the ever beautiful Danny. it actually works. that's all that matters. do as i did and get someone to get it for you from the states, or now i hear people are going nuts over the kevyn aucoin ones now. speaking of which, i was just starting to go nuts over kevyn aucoin the month he passed away. freaky. and now 4 years after he's passed people are just getting into a product line which he didn't create by the way.
7. Rubis Slanted Tweezer - yeah it's $65. So i'm pretty glad i didn't lose it last time. but boy, it's worth it. it's so sharp it's a damn weapon. and so flat it clasps pretty tight around the pesky little new hairs. you can probably get it cheaper without the mecca tax
8. Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick in Bronze - yeah it's shit expensive. and yeah i could probably do without it. But since i have it, you bet your damn ass i'm using it every chance i get. that said it is very nice, and adds a nice shimmer (as you'd hope) and in summer i use it in place of a blusher. this should probably be where the MAC pressed powder is in terms of positioning, but it's late and i can't be bothered changing numbering.
9. Cetaphil Cleanser - your regular drugstore $11 for a giant bottle stuff. but the only thing that doesn't make my skin angry. girl can have expensive taste but my skin knows my worth.
10. Kiehl's Lip Balm SPF 15 in Hue No. 30G - it melts. it MELTS your lips, and it's perrdy. i know #1 is the good stuff but i'm liking the little hint of colour and the less thick and glucky texture here
yeah...i'm scaring myself too. i should stop spending money. to be honest i generally only have on the tinted moisturiser, the Diorshow mascara and the stila convertible colour (or CC as it is known amongst Vogue Beauty Forums circles, i'm a sad sad woman). i'll stop this. i might even take this post down sometimes in the future when i can think of a better list to replace it. but that'll do for now
Posted by
3:11 am
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
even though i'm a good hour and half late, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
i know, the most celebrated holiday of the australian calender eh? but it was always my favourite holiday. the dressing up, the candy, the bad movies, the cartoons, the pumpkin, the fact that it marks the end of my birthday month with a bang (yes young carilious, you can smoke without feeling guilty now)
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
You will be sucked dry by a leech. I'd stay away from swimming holes, and stick to good old cement. Even if it does hurt like hell when your toe scrapes the bottom.
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mmm...leeches. that's not a bad way to go actually. i mean it doesn't actually hurt, and you can just fade away.
I hope you all had a good day, even if it means nothing to you. i'm just insanely happy around celebrations of death. i sat in borders and read The Raven out to my boy and then went off to scream my head off in drama class. good times all around.
The Who released a new album. i'm probably not the first to say this but WHAT THE?! i actually quite like it. craziness.
Today also marks three months with the boy. by high school standards we're officially going steady. but i hear reese and ryan are splitting up. i had such hope for those kids, but it was bound to happen. No matter how many Crash's and Gosford Park's and Flag's of Our Father's he does, he'll always be the pretty blond boy in an excellent ensemble cast, and she's swimming with the big fish now. i'm not entirely sure where i was going with that, it's just sad. i loved those two as a couple, such cute kids. but yes, our three months. good times, and good times to come.
totally useless post. i'm just procrastinating some more. i've decided i officially hate Hamid Naficy. racist bastard.
let's everyone go do something in the spirit of halloween for me. go read some poe, watch an episode of tree house of horror on youtube, rent the original The Fly, have a toffee apple. who cares we'll be a day late, it's just such a good holiday, don't let it go to waste. i guess that's all i had to say.
Type rest of the post here
jump for more......
Posted by
1:28 am