i've been playing around with Vox today. you know, that new "mass market" upscaled bastard brainchild of sixapart, you know, the parents of LiveJournal and TypePad and MovableType etc.
it's a mix between LJ, myspace and suchlike social networking sites with some pretty powerful blogging tools. the fact that it's linked to my flickr and photobucket account is all kinds of awesome (i.e. i can add photos from my flickr and photobucket accounts from inside Vox). the side panel lets you list your books and audio (which you can grab from amazon, or upload yourself), and you can create collections with all these lists. the social networking aspect comes from the idea of a blogging "neighbourhood" where people connected to you (as friends or family or just "neighbours") are also linked on your side panel (remember LJ's friends section? cept now it's pretty and you you don't have to go to the profile page)
i won't post a link up yet (although you can probably guess it). It's not totally set up the way i want it, and i don't know anyone on it. But my mind's pretty much set, i'm going to slowly move all my old blogger posts over to Vox and back date up the wahzoo eventually. and then i'll kill this blog properly. until then this would still be where you're hearing all the what's what about me.
to whet your appetite, here's a screencap.
(omg posting pictures using vox'll be so much easier...can't wait)
5 things i could possibly use Vox for
1. a blog for rebel screen?
2. fictional writing
3. a weekly column on what's wrong with the world today
4. bad angsty poetry
5. love letters
...and what alice found there
Friday, October 27, 2006
Posted by
10:32 pm
all's well...that...ends...well?
i'm an idiot, i totally just left my wallet in the rehearsal room. now i got it back and i can't use any of my cards because they've been reported as lost.
and emotioal turmoil has all been alleviated also.
funnily enough also because i'm an idiot.
classes finished for the year today. all i did was manage to catch the last 20 minutes of the man who fell to earth, and chatting to dinnersuck daphne (check links panel) while feeling only very remotely connected to the drowned out conversation plaguing the other end of the table where felicity was sitting. felicity being our lecturer, my personal hero, my idol who, if i was ever going to stay in uni, i want to become.
feeling utterly indolent, and it's not even sunny today. i suck. tomorrow. tomorrow.
uni work still to be done, 4 x 1500 words', 4 x 2500 words'. i have about three weeks, i kid you not. amazingly enough only 2 of the 1500 ones are overdue. although they are LONG overdue. pesh.
no jump today, i'll put up this week's list later today, once i think of something good.
update on the awesome awesome ink: still inky, still awesome.
Posted by
12:54 am
Labels: update
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
mao mao!
I wrote this blog out, pen and paper. that's right, it's been drafted. not that it'll sound it. mainly because the boy has surprised me with some awesome noodler's ink (the junk i've been crapping on about to him for as long as we've been going out, and unavailable in australia apparently). i love that he realises the way into my heart is by geeking it up and ordering in the inky black liquid of gods. it writes amazingly well, and no bleed through even on the thinner 'skine notebook paper. so in those respects i've been a happy chappy.
so what else is new with me eh? well....Drama class is going swimmingly. there's only, well, there's four of us now officially. the two other girls aren't exactly taking it all that seriously, Em's there to learn tricks to teach her kinder garden kids (and boy, don't we know it. shut up about the kids already). and newcomer stutterer (possibly intellectually handicapped) alanah, well, she's possible intellectually handicapped.
the above opinions, although just snarky enough to be my own, are not. no no, these wondrous gems of insight were provided by the i'll-masturbate-in-front-of-tony-knight-if-that's-what-it-takes boy Lachy. i can't imagine it actually working if he wasn't so pretty. He was in my first round of auditions last year, and not too shabby at all. he made it much much further than i did, and for good reason. but all that's beside the point.
but all that leads to my current glum.
i lost my wallet.
fuck. shit. shit. frickin. prick. cunt. piss. fuck. frick.
it could have fallen in one of two places;
the front stoop of the house right next to Lynch's on Domain Rd where we sat to bitch about the other two students last night, or Lachy's car when he offered me a lift home after the bitch fest.
This morning consisted of me going down to ANZ to cancel all my cards, making it to uni for all of an hour and 15 minutes before i ran off in a huff, going to cafe 181 and forking out $25 (which i managed to gather from all the pockets in my moleskine's lying around) for what i ate last night to get my id back (long story, just another thorn in my shit-arse day), then going to ANZ with said id to take out some money to replenish all said moleskine's. am pissed, and i need pizza.
i'm not following my draft of this post at all by the way, since i wrote that last night before i realised i didn't have my wallet with me. and i'm in no mood to wax lyrical on Little Miss Sunshine or David Lynch short films or indeed, the state of uni assessments.
so last week's fives after jump
5 things i'd write with my awesome new set up of fountain pen and noodler's ink:
1. this blog entry draft on my pocket ruled reporter 'skine
2. Essay Plans!!
3. Objectives and given circumstances for all three of my monologues
4. shopping lists and to do lists, to give a sense of formality to all my crummy stabs at productivity
5. a thank-you letter to my boy for this awesome awesome ink. (seriously people, try it out. it almost makes what you're writing worthwhile)
ps/ the title of this entry is a reference to Godard's La Chinoise. no actually, it's mostly a reference to the 60s french pop song featured in Godard's La Chinoise. Claudes Channes' poptastic Mao Mao
Sunday, October 15, 2006
To start things off, i'm going to post here a video made by the lovely coke boy, the hermopolitan ogdoad chaser himself (check out his blog in the linky panel). i think the video speaks for itself really...
it's been a while. i like to think that it's because i've gotten a life and just really haven't been on the computer much, or even that my neurosis have subsided somewhat (for what is this blog other than a place to sprout my on going shit shock crap?). but let's be honest, not a hell of a lot has happened since the last post, and i've been lazy as hell.
when i say that not a hell of a lot has been happening, i only mean that in the sense that there is no concrete list of things that i've done or places i've been or people i've seen. this is by no means a reflection on my current psyche. no, it's been some fulfilling few weeks. ima liking my birthday month.
last week family tregs threw me a birthday party, mama, papa, and brother tregs, tresie and nick, my mother, carilious, and my boy. i couldn't look at them too much, it was the best i could do to keep from crying. it was the sweetest thing, the way they've always opened their doors to me, for me. if it was possible to fall in love with a family then they're my sweethearts. and the 21 presents was pretty damn awesome as well, although some were ever so slightly embarrassing opening in front of my mother.
oh and yes, of course, MAGIC BALLOONS!!!
it was also alice lee's 21st recently. good times. it was like a massive year 11 reunion. which should by all means be horrifying but it was good. sweet even.
check out her sexy back
alice kiss peter
i started reading Love in the Time of Cholera, given to me by my beautiful boy. Only about chapter and a half way through but it's sucking me in. i can just tell that there are going to be some teary moments which would make this highly unsuitable tram ride reading, but to hell with that. there's a restrained elegance about the language, so kudos to the translator. i can only hope that i'll get to feel even just a level of that kind of love, and be brave enough to recognise it...i think i've satisfied the cliche quotient for this post.
the weather has been awful nice lately hasn't it? sunny days with a gentle breeze always buoys me up, it's like a b12 shot, always a sense of new beginnings. i'm learning my monologues, i'm getting there. maybe it's just because i've been feeling so invincible lately but i feel good about them for once. i'll keep you updated.
jump for all the missing fives, i think there's been two
5 people that's been surprisingly rubbing me the right way:
paris hilton
i know i know, but i'm over hating her. i finally got around to watching her sex tape the other day and you know what? i think i "get" her. if i was brought up as privileged as she was i'm sure i'd be JUST like her.
tiffany from st martin's drama class
even though she's in the making of becoming a toorak mum, even though she's just turned 20 and driving a merc, even though to be perfectly honest, she can't really act, she's such a personable sweetheart that i genuinely like her.
one of the drunken friends of the boy
don't hate him because he's all about boozing and hooking up with girls lately baby, love him because in amidst of all this boozing and hooking up he still wants to spend time with you. at least when he's sober, and you find him funny drunk, so it's win-win really.
a ghost of boyfriends past
it's funny how well we get along, and it's disturbing how our conversations always stray to the gutter (probably more my fault than his). but i'm glad you're back buddy.
my mother
she's been yelling less. the overall average decibel of her vocals has been dropped significantly. keep it up woman.
5 past times i've been enjoying lately:
- sitting on the grass on south lawn, half in the sun, half in the shade, and thinking about absolutely nothing.
- riding the tram a few extra stops to read a little more
- MAGIC BALLOONS!! (it's the ongoing story with this blog isn't it?)
- annoying the salesman at australian geographic store, shooting things at other customers and after playing with every single item in the store, buying only a $2.95 spinning top (which is teh sex by the way. it lights up!)
- waking up with my boy next to me in my bed, tracing his back with my finger under the morning light. i've never been happier (and thus i've satisfied the sop quotient of this post)
Monday, October 02, 2006
i'm officially old. but despite most people deciding that there are more important things on, much fun was had. it ended up being just our tiny posse of the boy, cary and dean (oh and dean's friends who's names i'd forgotten the moment they were introduced to me. one of them had awesome shoes that killed her feet too). clicking on the photos will take you to the photoset, they're all in chronological order too so just follow the stream for the full narrative effect.
but here are some highlights
Y+R were great. Karina is officially my hero. that girl's insane, and insanely hot when she's going nuts. which is all the time. i got your dirty kicks!
got some pretty decent loot this year. oh oh, what did the boy get me you ask?
a bonsai tree. it's beautiful, and i'm going to kill it. like how i've killed every other plant that's come into my possession. i'll keep it near a window and hope it does the trick, the photo part of photosynthesis, right?
but thank you baby, for making me happy, and coming to the boring family dinner, and everything else you do for me.
i don't hate birthdays, it's just the organising involved that irks me. but it always just works out. so now i'm old, and have heaps of overdue work. but i'm happy. i'm very happy.
Posted by
11:16 am