got the shits. all sickly and chicken soup'd up.
my brain age is 37
won't make another post till after i finish all my essays, or at least till i get some generous extentions.
5 things that craked me up
1. damien assface called and told me he auditioned for power rangers, and might be getting the part of red ranger. and sounded genuinely excited about it
2. carilious told me the next morning that the original red ranger went on to become a porn star
3. a former s club 7 member has gone on to star in a flash video teaching young boys how to check their balls for testicular cancer. (ignore the fact that i could actually recognise her as that rachel girl from s club 7)
4. the fact that i actually bought that iLove spring water with that magazine on the bottle (World's frist magazine on a bottle!) and now i'm desperately trying to find the edition with scarlett johansson on the cover
:update: i just went to the site (yes they have a site) and found out you're supposed to remove the magazine from the bottle. well then what's the fun in that?
5. zach braff's blog
5 lists i should make
- 5 reasons to drop out of uni
- 5 things i should have said instead of walking away
- 5 methods of getting indefinite extentions
- 5 ways with a paper knife
- 5 thoughts to stay afloat
on repeat:Dress Up In You - bell & sebastian
Blow up in the face of my rivals
I swear and I rant, I make quite an arrival
The men are surprised by the language
They act so discreet, they are hypocrites so fuck them too!
...and what alice found there
Friday, May 26, 2006
empty landing
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10:01 pm
Labels: fives
Sunday, May 14, 2006
bits and bobs
feeling all chuffed coz mommy loved her presents. considering how much it cost me it was a very good thing that she did. and then she tells me that it was her who took my tweezers without telling me. i thought i'd lost them, the same pair i've had since i was 14. i was having a nervous breakdown and thought they'd gone down the bathroom drain and sat there on the bathroom floor and cried a good 20 minutes, before going to mecca and bought a replacement, for 65 effing dollars!.
jump jump
i gave her an elise caarels bag that's just like mine but black, softer and with a silk lining. a reporter moleskine with a pen on the elastic to put in the front pocket just like my setup and a paper blanks notebook with the inlay design cover instead of a card. oh and some tulips in a box. personally i don't think there is anything more barbaric than to give fresh cut flowers to somebody. but it's mother's day, and she likes flowers. so flowers she got. but think about it though. from the moment they're cut, they're dying. the whole time you think you're enjoying them, you're just reveling in their death! only once in my life have i enjoyed getting flowers, but that's because i associated it with one of the sweetest memories i possess in this filthy little mind so...and they were so damned pretty.
but all that's beside the point.
I was reading through some of the comments on those subject evaluation forms for from rock to rave (don't ask me how i got my hands on those, it'll only involve a long and boring story about how we had to miss the bulk of a postmod lecture trekking to safeway). There were only three comments, one from me complaining about the way michael tried to influence our evaluation, one from some girl winging about how much time we spend talking about previous weeks topic which is ridiculous since as a rule, we just don't talk in that class. and then there was the one that said "Michael is very cute, which makes it class very good..."
although since getting back my essay from michael i could almost say the same thing about him. (only one reference, contained phrases such as "on any given ungodly hour of the weekend..." and h2a. go figure). elf boy wasn't nearly so kind, the right opposite actually. i guess trying to be cute won't cut it for the postmod kids.
oh about how michael tried to influence our evaluation. he literally went through each of the nine questions, answering them for us.
"the first one is that you understood what was expected of you before this class, so like how we gave you the subject outlines and stuff, so i think we did that pretty well. and the second one is that the subject is well taught, think about those nice powerpoint presentations, i thought we did it pretty well, and the third is that the subjects were intellectually stimulating, well, stupid question, of course it's stimulating......." etc etc.
i completely lost it. couldn't stop laughing till he left the room. *sigh*
davidoff gold slims, could it get any better?
oh you're a smoker?
no, i just have a long term suicide plan.
on repeat: Air - Sex Born Poison
5 things that's pissing me off atm
- ppl who were oh so close before but forgets you the moment they hook up *ahem kk*
- the lack of seeds for my bittorrent-ing of Tipping of the Velvet (i want my victorian lesbian melodrama and i want it now dammit!)
- the fact that i think i might like the bag that i gave mum better than my own
- i bought Murray Bail's published notebooks because they look just like how i write in my notebooks, short snippets here and there. and then i realised just how self-indulgent that kind of writing is.
- realising i've missed America's Next Top Model last week, all of the four times that they showed it. and the fact that i wanted to see it that bad
oh yeah and cary, i found this picture in my iphoto, still think it's a pretty cool picture in a swing-and-click-without-looking kinda way. i like how behind your head it says "dream cheesecake $8.50" awfully fitting don'tcha think dude?
aiite...i'm audi
Posted by
4:29 pm
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
beat box mania
ok, now there are many more (and much better) beat boxers out there, but this guy gets props for the hair, the crazy stupid face, and the credit of the fact that it was all done in editing.
one more after jump
This guy's got skillz man. but more than that, look at all the effort he puts into these beat. look at the pulsing veins in his neck, and the fact that he looks like he's constipated half the time, and sneezing or spitting the other half. it's especially amusing when he starts to sing out of tune along with the beats, even more so when it's britney spear's I'm a Slave 4 U.
aaah...beautiful humiliation
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1:21 pm
Labels: videos
wasted opportunities
i wish i had one of those hearing aids, that you could just turn off. but thing is, as much as i love a good session of wallowing in self pity, at the end of the day, you still haven't achieved anything. and all the things you hate most about yourself are still there. i need some jump cables.
5 things i wish i could get into
- readings, seriously suffering through a moment here. academic papers don't just bore me anymore *sigh*...bane of my existence BE GONE!
- coriander. don't know why i hate it, and don't know why it's shredded up and hidden in every single damn asian meal, or anything asian inspired or oriental or even damn new age hybrid for that matter
- the nano. i know, i know, i'm probably already spoilt for choice with a 2 gig memory already and i can't possibly go through 17 hours of music on one commute but what can i say? always want what you don't have...
- the headband movement. my forehead's too small for fashion.
- my old, happy, motivated, the-world-is-at-my-feet obnoxious self, ala Alice v2001
no jump today, the fridge is empty
ok so i lied, but you checked which means you dont trust me (for good reason it seems huh)
just a little rant.
i first checked in on postsecret roughly two years ago, i found it incredibly sad, thought provoking, fascinating, and intensely personal. then they decided to publish a book, as the postcards themselves are so devestatingly beautiful i could sympathise with such a move. when the cool hunter decided to post a weekly selection from the site early last year, i thought at least they have their hearts in the right place. when Yen wrote an article on it last year, i thought (correctly) that it was just a filler piece signaling the beginning of the downward spiral of what i used to consider a quality publication. when cospomolitan did an article on it i thought holy shit, now the trend whores have caught on and robbed these intimate messages of value. and now a certain (i won't name names) individual who, to say that i don't respect her would be the understatement of the year, decides to not only blog about it, but post some of these secrets onto the blog itself. well. i feel violated on their behalf. It not just leaking these postcards onto a club hopping drunken trend whore plane that i have a problem with, because clearly they have an affect on everyone who happens to stumble across them. but it's the selecting, the placing of higher value on certain unmentionables over others. the entire exercise is to get things off people's chest, and now there's the competitive element, a sense that some secrets are edgier than others, more publish worthy, and in turn, less truthful. and it pains me.
now only leaves the question, have i ever posted them a card?
Posted by
1:46 am
Labels: fives