obligations, stupid fucking obligations
and boy does it suck, specially when, when it comes down to it, you realise your life is pretty empty without it and so you actually NEED it just to have a reason to get out of the house. least i don't have to go to work monday.
Movies to watch, coz that's all that's important with boxing day right?: (will cross them out throughout the year)
Russian Dolls (i have double pass! just don't know when i can use it! TOOT)
King Kong + Domino + 40 yr old virgin marathon (coz that's always fun)
Narnia (much as i hate the message it sends, and tilda swinton, everything else looks fiiiine)
Brokeback Mountain (both david and margret gave it a 5...)
Goodnight and Good Luck (as above)
Match Point (a woody allen film that's not a woody allen film? can i hear a hallelujah?)
The Family Stone (i want diane keaton for a screen mum)
Breakfast on Pluto (scarecrow as a queen?)
The White Countess
Rumour has it
History of Violence
Apocalypto (oh the teaser looks amazing)
Walk the Line
Chicken Little (i'm sucker for 3D crap)
North Country
Nine Lives
...and what alice found there
Sunday, December 25, 2005
bah humbug
Posted by
1:47 am
Labels: movies
Sunday, December 18, 2005
shame on you
i'm utterly crushed by the level of response for the exercise. which only proves my theory, people do suck. you may still redeem yourself in my eyes to going back to my last post and doing it, but i'll remember, i'll always remember...
in other news, NIDA announced yesterday that they've accepted 12 people for the course next year. that's right, TWELVE!! makes me feel a whole lot better. i'm just one out of the 1870 something people who didn't make it. man...compared to the 25 they took in last year, craziness.
and i've moved on from my crazy apple love of safari, finally graduated to firefox 1.5, mainly because i wanted to try out all these web 2.0 stuff and safari isn't always supported. so i've set up a portal and i did a complete makeover of my bookmarks bar and installed the del.icio.us firefox entension, i'm good to go. take a lookie! all my news feeds, non sequitur, and quick links and a to do list, not a bad setup if i may say so myself. ajax rules all. but someone please tell me where the extension is that has the close tab button in each individual tab...it's the only thing stopping me from removing safari from my dock.
I've found the source of all the invisible man tests, it strange how i recognise film more for their tone and colour scheme than costumes which would be the obvious thing. i mean i missed electra's red body suit completely and yet i managed
a film by the way, i haven't actually watched.
go to it and try it out, it's great fun, and i'll always remember it fondly as the quiz that won me a copy of carrie for cheating.
i was channel surfing today and stopped dead on UKTV. on the screen was a 12 year old kiera knightly with a younger and quite dashing paul bettany (aka jennifer connoly's hubby and the imaginary guy from a beautiful mind who was also in that gastly wimbleton movie with that troll). and a frame later Peter O'Toole stepped in as the head of a family. It turned out to be a nice little english tv movie actually. with kiera knightly growing up to be emily mortimer (who i only know because i saw her on conan just the other night, however there are great things being said about her for the latest woody allen). anyway the point of this story is "Coming Home" (1998) is fun, if only to see a pre-pubescent knightly rejecting advances from an old perv. poor thing, being labelled as a sexpot before she ever grew into her body, or ever will it should seem, if anyone remembers the hole, the one she did with thora birch where she lets her pancake tits all out, you would agree with me
anyway, oh do do the exercise! please i beg of you! i know this sounds pathetic but hey, i'll stoop that low!
Posted by
1:13 am
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Basquait the movie was on sale at JB for 7.99
that makes me angry
when idiotic crap such as carmen electra's strip tease aerobics dvds come in four-parters that cost $30 a pop right next to the bargain bin. (which i really want by the way)
the combined brilliance of david bowie as andy warhol, dennis hopper, gary oldman, benicio del toro and they're just the supporting cast.
so ok i've only seen the opening sequence and the last 30 minutes of the actual film, but i know enough about it to know that it doesn't deserve a 7.99 label on it along with a pink sticker saying "buy me now i'm cheap!" slapped all over it.
ok this is another long one, waaaay long. all after jump
and i've updated my froogle wishlist, there's a link somewhere on my profile. (:edit: or just right there...) it's nearly christmas. damn, another year that i wish to remember none of. one of these days i'm going to do something big. maybe i'll finish that great american novel i've been meaning to write. yes i know i'm not american, but somehow that great australian novel sounds like it involves much tying down of kangaroos and eating of bush tucker, which is just SO not how i roll.
mondo e mondo should really be paying me royalties. that's the third time i've stood beside the moleskine stand for half an hour only to start spewing out to other people how great they are, then progressing to demonstrating all the little details memorised from moleskinery.com and pulling out the one i always have on me to show them how you can keep a pen in the elastic for the reporter styles which always results in me buying yet more cahiers because i've talked them up too much not to.
i think i'll go ahead and audition for national theatre down at st kilda. they're into method and, well, i have none. now if only daddy could give me my new years dough in advance i could go right on ahead and enrol. an additional 10 hours a week could be tough especially since i'm well, failing and all, but i think i figured out what's wrong with me, lack of anti-depressants! just sit me down with a shrink and shoot me up full of capped happiness and i'm open for business! either that or speed. it solved the problem for that kid in thumbsucker (for a little while anyway). aaaah speed, the miracle drug. help you lose weight and stay focused enough to get through the day, all that's missing is the ability to cure cancer and then everybody would be taking them! then it wouldn't be so hard to get some.
but seriously, that's the second indie i've seen in a row whereby the barely legal psych drugs solve all the problems. speaking of which. Shopgirl is brilliant. except for the voice over commentary. man i want to punch steve martin. The rest of the film is so great that the narration thing is....it's.....ARGH! like the trailer was the best movie trailer i've seen in a LOOONG time (aside for the harry potter one but that's just visual gusto) and the movie is actually what you expect it to be, but so much better at the same time. just like i <3 huckabees made me feel last year but with more resonance since there's an actual story at play. and that other thing in common, jason schwartzman, boy oh boy, what a greate character. the randomness. it also has that sense of desolation that was in lost in translation, except i actually like this the first time round. all except for the DAMN NARRATION. i mean ok, if the lines are good then fair enough, but when it's some crap like .....oh man i can't even remember them they're so generic. you're regular run of the mill "the girl you keep at a distance and in the end you're both hurt" or something, i'll watch it again and get back to you. but seriously, the forlorn looks aren't clues enough. it was almost like reading the da vinci code all over again. the spelt out metaphors.....*cringe* but still....good movie...i want to get my hands on a copy of the dvd with an editable soundtrack so i can remaster it for myself. it'll be a much better movie, with nothing lost either.
i finally rented the dreamers, and russian ark for the third time, maybe i'll get to see it this time. oh and oh personal breakthrough, i actually used the phrase "i'll save it for a rainy day" today. i couldn't help it it just came out. i am officially old.
oh but how could i forget to mention! the other day i decided to go through devdas again (the newer one with all the eye candy). now i downloaded the film, cept it's not in any format that my dvd players or dvd burning programms that my mac understands. so i can watch it, just without the subs. so i basically just jumped to all the musical numbers. and i happily cried myself to sleep that night. i knew to cry because i've seen it before (several times actually) about only from half an hour into the movie (ALWAYS half an hour into the movie dammit). today it was on world movies again and so i excitedly jumped to the channel only to find that it was half an hour into the movie... so even though i know the story and the gist of things, truth is just imagin any forsaken tragedy of love and you've got the gist. but i still don't know the damn details. so i'll just cut through the crap. someone buy me a copy of the dvd. i don't want a burnt copy since, alas, like all bollywood movies it runs for over three hours and the compression would kill it. literally kill it. because by god is it beautiful. moulin rouge has got NOTHING on it. i mean ok you pour all your money and biggest stars into the one vehicle with the most retold story in a very lucrative industry you'd expect nothing else, but just wait till you see it.
ok so that's enough ranting/rambling. got work tomorrow. oh by the way, john butler actually moved to the area so he'll be in a lot from now on.
oh and let's do an exercise, i'll rip this right out of someone else's blog (who in turn ripped it out of someone else's blog, it's postmodernism with an olive) everyone who reads this blog who happens to also know me (rather than the usual net stumbler), post a memory you have of you, with me, a moment. it could be anything from the utterly humiliating to the higest of highs. see the theory is that different things are significant to different people, what you remember may not be something that i'd recall. so comment away, anonymously if you so wish, that could be part of the test! see if i remember your memory! i'm feeling in the mood for reminicence. and also i'd like to know just who reads this thing...
and therefore if no one replies to this.....erm...
"Pish for thee, Iceland dog, thou prick-eared cur of Iceland!!!"